1. the last day

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10 hours earlier

It was a week before the taekwondo nationals competition. A couple of the teammates decided to go on a weekend camping trip to have a slight break for the constant summer training they've done in order to prepare themselves. Four of them: Cass, Nora, Nate, and Alec. Cass was the youngest of the bunch, just going into her first year of highschool while Nora and Nate were going to their sophomore year and Alec into his junior year.

"Something good happen in your book?" Nora took a seat in a folding chair opposite of Cass. The latter had the biggest grin painted upon her face that was just visible over the large paperback book.

Cass looked up in surprise. Nora was like a ninja, invisible until she wanted to be noticed. Cass was similar and almost always has an ear for her surroundings and an eye on the world around her. However, when one gets invested in a great story, it is common for them to get lost in the world of fantasy adventures.

"Yeah, endings are truly the best." Despite being almost done with the story, Cass closed the book in order to engage in a conversation with her favorite person on the team. Not that she meant to pick favorites, but seeing as there was only one other girl on the team the two got quite close throughout the years.

"What book?"

"Just some murder mystery, but it has some great plot twists." Cass placed the paperback gently on the dry ground beside her. "Have you read any good books recently?"

Nora thought for a few seconds before saying: "The only book I've read recently was The Princess Bride. My cousin stayed over at my house the other week and she wanted me to read it with her."

"That's a book? I wasn't a fan of the movie, but I watched it so long ago."

"You didn't know it was a book!?" Nate loudly arrived at the scene, making fun of Cass's lack of Princess Bride knowledge.

"Thank you for your intrusion." Cass sarcastically greeted the tall high schooler before pausing and adding, "I thought you were with Alec?"

"He went to dig a poop hole."

"Nice of him to do that. What have you been up to?"

"Repacking some things I took out earlier. It looks like it'll rain soon, so.." He responded, trailing off at the end. "Have you put your things away?"

"Yep, I just haven't unpacked yet"

"Can't you go and help dig the hole?" Nora asked Nate with a snotty voice. Nora and Nate went to the same school together and Nora had never been a fan of Nate. The former had held a grudge against him ever since he made fun of her best friend in the seventh grade, making minor feuds a common occurrence between the two sophomores.

"Because you can't? I thought you were all about women being just as strong as men."

"They are, we will all tell you stuck-up brats how powerful we can be!" Cass soundlessly walked away from the bickering pair before they started physically lashing out at each other. Each team member had learned from past experiences to never stay with Nora or Nate when they got into an argument unless they were looking to be punched.

The voices of Nate and Nora muffled out as the distance between Cass and them increased. A large mossy rock was close in her sight as the freshman strolled across the grass and sticks.

Cass plopped herself upon the flat rock surface, a little chilly beneath her bottom. Quiet humming escaped the girl's lips as she opened her book and once again immersed herself in the story.

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