I Need You

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Helen POV

I stopped what me and prince were doing it was to much and I knew his obsession would get worse ...prince wouldn't leave me alone even if I'm avoiding him

Prince POV

Helen stopped everything I didn't want it to stop I was obsessed and she's the only one that can help me with that

Helen hid away from prince and he couldn't find her anywhere ...that's when he went the other direction

Helen came out and felt relieved she hurried home because she knew that where he would go ...once she got home she told her maid to tell prince that she's not here she knew Joyce didn't like to lie but this was only one time

Helen came upstairs To take a breather

Joyce heard a knock on the door and it was prince asking for Helen

Joyce: sorry she's not home

Prince: do you know when she'll be back

Joyce: I think Wednesday afternoon( had to make a lie but she didn't know that was true)

Prince: ok thank you

Joyce: your welcome

He left and Helen came downstairs to see him gone but she knew she'll have to do something about it

Sunday Morning

Helen POV

It was 11am in the morning oh wow I slept on a Sunday for the first time god so I got up and came to take a long hot shower ....Joyce told me that I'll have to face prince eventually and I knew that was true

Mayte has been trying and trying to get prince attention but nothing was working he's been more distanced than before

Prince POV

I've been more distanced from mayte than before all I wanted was Helen where was she I couldn't find it Joyce said she'll be back on Wednesday and I'll be waiting for her

Everyone knew what prince was doing but never said anything to mayte about it because they didn't want to lose their job

Next Week(Wednesday)

Helen POV

The week is about to be over I can't wait as I was walking I felt someone pulling me into this dark closet suddenly I felt lips on mine and knew exactly who it was

Prince POV

Oh my god there she was she was back I was so happy

Helen: what the hell you did that for

Prince: I missed you

Helen: I told you we can't do this

Prince: but I needed you I can't stay like this

Helen: I can't help you with that

She tried to leave but prince wouldn't let her leave

Helen: let me go

Prince: please don't leave

Helen: I told you I can't do this

Prince: your playing hard to get with me

Helen: let me go

She knew prince was stronger than her and he knew how to get his way...so she gave in but not really

Helen: you really want me

Prince: yes

Helen: here

Prince: what's this

Helen: meet me here tonight ....don't be late

She walked out and prince looked at the location on the paper he knew where that was at ...it was located in downtown Minneapolis in the middle of nowhere

Night Time

Helen POV

I was waiting on prince I can't believe I'm doing this just because he wants it I was deep in thought ...until I felt arms go around me

Prince POV

I just made it to the location it was a very private location I wrapped my arms around her

Helen kissed prince the moment she turned around she knew prince wanted her after she told him they can't do this

It was going to be a wild and long night prince was going to tire her out and show her how badly he needed her

After a few hours they have fallen asleep together prince was laying on top of Helen knocked out ...she was comfortable to sleep on

Next Morning

Helen POV

I woke up and it was 10am god my head hurts I looked down to see prince asleep on me last night was crazy ...my vagina I can still feel him

Prince POV

I was still asleep I knew it was morning time because the sun was shining Helen was so soft and comfortable

Helen got up and came to shower for the day ....she felt a lot better and wrapped a towel around her

Prince got up and came to the bathroom to see Helen in a towel ...he came from behind her and kissed her

Helen told him to get dressed and go home to his wife

Helen: we'll hang out later

Prince: ok

He came to find his clothes and was headed home for today

Thankfully Mayte wasn't home at the moment she had an appointment today

Helen decided to run some errands today and she had a movie to do today as well...she was excited to be back working again

An hour later

Helen POV

finally time for lunch I just finished my movie it was a lot of fun but I'm heading to get some food because I am starving

Prince was in the studio recording new music that's going to be released soon he was back to writing and recording music

Mayte came home and didn't see prince but she heard him in the studio and knew he didn't like to be  interrupted when he's in the studio

Helen was signing autographs for the fans and taking pictures with them she loved and adored her fans so much ....specially the children she loved kids

Prince spent about two and half hours in the studio just recording music and deep in thought he felt very relaxed and calm

Prince POV

I felt very relaxed and calm which felt nice to me I've been in the studio for two hours and haven't left at all but I'll be another hour in here and then leave

So that's what he did time was flying by him and Helen gong out and it was nice

Then they both came back home and went to bed after a long day

Next chapter is coming

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