3: School Sucks

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TW: Angst

Note: In this AU, the tables in the Great Hall and dorms are not separated by houses. Also, I forgot to include Draco so lets just say he didn't come back for 8th year.

(8th year)

• Bitter •

Harry skipped into the Great Hall, grinning happily and clutching a paper bag. He walked over to Hermione first, who was sitting next to Pansy and Blaise.

"Hey guys!" Harry exclaimed energetically.

"Hey Harry" they chorused.

Harry excitedly dug his hand into the paper bag and brought out a handful of his favorite candy – treacle tart bubble bursts, a soft candy that melted in your mouth and exploded with an inferno of flavors starring treacle tarts. Harry passed out a bunch to them each, after dividing the bunch evenly.

"What's the occasion Harry?" Pansy asked, "Why the candy?"

Harry smiled, "Why are you asking questions? Just take the candy. Can't I be nice to my own friends?"

They thanked him and Harry left to find some of his other friends to pass out the candy to.

He found Ron peacefully eating a chicken leg a few seats away from Hermione. He gave candy to all the kids he saw, whether they were in a different class or not, whether he knew them personally or not. Everyone thanked him, and when someone asked him why he was passing out candy, he always answered the same thing:

"Can't I just be nice to my friends?"


After his classes, Harry who'd finally gotten permission to go to Hogsmede, was looking around curiously for his friends to invite them along. He found them sitting cozily in the common room, with cups of tea and a plate of cookies in front of them.

"Hey guys. I finally got permission to go to Hogsmede. Anyone want to tag along?" he asked cheerily.

They gave each other a look and Blaise spoke up for them, "Sorry Harry. We're kinda busy here. Maybe another time..."

"Yeah, sorry mate..." Ron added, looking slightly guiltily.

"Oh no! It's all right. I'll just go by myself. Gotta buy some... Quidditch stuff you know?" Harry smiled.

"I'm really sorry Harry... Its just, we're already comfortable here and we don't really feel like going outside." Hermione said.

"No worries Hermione! We always have next time!"


Harry strolled around in Hogsmede alone. It was his first time here without having to sneak out and he wanted to make the most of it. He bumped into someone older than him by a few years, and tried to apologize, but the man threw a lasting stinging ray hex (a spell that would last at least three hours and maximum ten) at his legs and spit at him before walking away angrily.

Suddenly, his eyes caught sight of a sweet shop in one corner. He limped in keenly and had to stop a few seconds to marvel at the variety of cakes in the shop.

"Are they sweet?" Harry asked the lady behind the counter.

"The sweetest in the world." she answered.

So Harry picked out a circle shaped strawberry cake and paid before walking – or rather, limping – out of the store.


He limped back to the common room where his friends sat in a circle playing cards.

"Can I play with you guys?" Harry asked.

"Sorry, Harry. We've been playing for a while now and I'd hate to start again when I know I'm gonna win." Hermione answered focusing on her cards.

"Hah! You may be book smart, Hermione, but I'm the master of strategy!" Ron boasted before turning to Harry and seeing his box of cake.

"What did you buy cake for Harry?" He asked.

Harry smiled faintly and answered, "I just felt like eating it." Ron shrugged and turned back to his cards, as Blaise slapped a card on a stack of card in the center.

"I don't see how you're going to come back from that!"

"You just wait! I'll win for sure!"

"You wish!"


Harry stared at them for a moment and then turned to the table near them in the common room. The dorms hadn't been fixed since the war and they'd been camping out in the common room. Thankfully, only Harry and his friends (Pansy, Hermione, Blase, Ron, and Draco) had to share as Mcgonagall had created divisors in the large room to make privacy for students.

He carefully took the cake out of the box and used a wooden fork to directly eat from the large cake. He chewed on the cake. His eyes watered and he took another large bite from the cake. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes and the pain from his legs, still pulsing from the stinging ray hex, only multiplied the urge to cry.

"It tastes so bitter." Harry said, his bottom lip trembling.

"That's stupid Harry." Hermione said, "Why would cake taste bitter?"

A fat drop of his tears ran down his face and on the back of his hand. He stared at the droplet of salty water, and stuffed his mouth again with the cake. More tears came running down his face and he stared at his friends who were oblivious to his inner turmoil.

"Happy Birthday to me..." Harry chocked out.

No one heard.

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