Description of the main characters.

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Taylor Benjamin Williamson
Age: 15
Height: 5'9
Hair: Spiky blonde.
Eye color: Bright crystalizing brown.
Apperance: Preppy. Wears big name brands like Hollister, Aeropostale, Etc.
He is pretty big on social media sites like Instagram and Twitter. He is seen as famous but he doesn't find himself to be.
Personality: Nice, Outgoing, Easy to talk to, Doesn't think he's all that, never hurts anybody, gets hurt when somebody hurts someone he is close to.

Audra Lee Evans
Age: 15
Height: 5'2
Hair: Long beautiful light brown hair.
Eye color: Brown
Apperance: Doesn't wear many big name brands. Wears something that fits her style.
She is getting out there as a younower. She isn't considered famous yet but various people claim she is famous.
Personality: Nice, Always makes people smile, Never is mean to anybody unless they are mean to her, Gives amazing advice, Very easy to talk to.

Daniel Thomas Williamson (Danny)
Age: 13
Height: 5'4
Hair: Flippy light brown hair.
Eye color: Very pale bright blue
Apperance: Wears many big named brands like hollister and aeropostale.
He is known as the kid who likes to seek trouble. Still known as a popular kid. Is considered famous but not as famous as his other brothers.
Personality: Badboy, Likes to cause trouble, he will be loyal in a relationship though, never hurts a girl he likes, isn't afraid to beat a kids ass.

Matthew Lee Williamson (Matt)
Age: 17
Height: 6'1
Hair: Short blonde Fauxhawk
Eye color: Pale bright blue with a slash of green in his eyes when he's happy.
Apperance: Doesn't wear big named brands most the time. On occasions he will wear big named brands but he tends to wear the clothing brand he made.
He is known as the heartbreaker. He is the most famous of the Williamson boys.
Personality: He likes to trick girls into liking him, he will cheat on girls and play them, will fake being mean to hurt somebody, he is nice most the time but sometimes he has a bitch side.

Brianna Sky Miller
Age: 14
Height: 5'0
Hair: Long thin blonde hair with brown in some places of her hair.
Eye color: A light shade of green mixed with grey.
Apperance: Preppy. Wears big named brands.
Personality: Nice, easy to talk to, gives amazing advice, won't hurt anyone unless you hurt someone she loves, doesn't rush anything, hates boys who think they are all that.

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