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Matt's POV
"MATTTHOLOMULE" I hear a oddly annoying voice shout behind me...It's- Augustus? What's he doing here? |*I suddenly remember the whole illusionist graveyard incident*|

|*I looked behind my shoulder*| "Wow Augustus, didn't know you'd be crawling back so soon" |*I joked*| He looked like he just ran 2 miles without stopping! What the Titian does he even wanna talk about?

|*I quickly get out the doors of the school and turn to face him*| "So, what do you want, twerp?" |*I said*|

"Did you already-huff puff- forget about our promise to help guard the-" |*Gus whispered into my ear*| "Illusionist graveyard" |*He pulled back away from me*| "oh- uh- I was just heading there now!" |*I lied*|

DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT I TOTALLY FORGOT! I mean- I don't care about some stupid old graveyard anyway! Ok...that's a lie. It might actually be fun to set up some defenses! At least time will go quicker when I have a friend- wait, is Gus- I mean Augustus- really my friend? We never officially said so. Eh, I don't really care anyway. |*I tried to persuade myself*|

||A Matt X Gus's story||Where stories live. Discover now