Chapter 1

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•·.·Pitaya Dragon's POV·.·•

While sitting on my throne, I thought about how Ananas and Lotus both have lovers

'Ah, love. What a ssstrange thing. A thing I can't ssseem to find'

I let out a long sigh

'Y'know, I shouldn't care about that. I am the great greenish red dragon. I don't NEED sssomeone to love'

'It would be nice though.. Ughh, NEVERMIND THAT!'

"Are you ok?" I heard Espresso ask

"I heard your sigh" They continued

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said


Then they walked out

'I'm like thisss over love.. Ugh I really need to sstop'

Then I saw Longan Dragon enter

I narrowed my eyes at them

"Don't look at me like that, Pitaya Dragon. Show some manners for once" They snapped

"Fine" I sighed

They stood straight

The eyes that were surrounding them just floated there

They were all looking at me

'Do they HAVE to be ssstaring at me like that??'

"Anyways.. Who are you dating?" Longan said in their normal monotone voice

"Nobody." I said


They seemed like they were thinking about something

'They're probably judging me. Not even ssurprissed'

"Do you still have the children that your old arranged partner gave you?" They asked

"Yess" I said

"May I see them?"

"They're in their rooms"

"Are they ALWAYS in their rooms?"


"Don't speak to me with that tone, Pitaya Dragon. Anyways, alright"

Then they walked out

'I gave the kidss sspecific insstructionss for thingss like thisss. I hope they remember them..'

•·.·Longan Dragon's POV·.·•

I walked into one of the kids' rooms

"Hey, whatever your name is." I said in my monotone voice

"Mala Sauce" Mala Sauce said

(OLD) My Sweetest Dream (Cream Unicorn x Pitaya)Where stories live. Discover now