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The streets Gotham rains tonight as news reports a breakout had happen at Arkham asylum and batman is on the hunt. A Cafe filled with people who are minding their business eating and talking when a man sat alone by the corner with earphones on listening to music while watching the rain. Staring down to the table there is phone which contains incriminating evidence to a corrupt cop in the force that needed to be exposed tonight. A group of men entered the Cafe looking around to find someone until one sees the male in the back they approach me.

Fallon: y/n.

Y/n: Fallon, so Jack find out I'm on to him and sent you to deal with me.

Fallon: you dug too deep into this you know that some of us needed the money.

Y/n: bullshit I know how you spend the it on drugs prostitution and gambling that why your here trying to keep me quiet right.

Fallon: he knows where my family lives just give up so-

Y/n: I sent it.

Fallon: what?

Y/n: The proof I sent to Gordon I put a little details about you and the guys too.
I already. Don't bullshit me about family Fallon you've been divorced over five years cuz of gambling so Don't make a sob story.

Fallon: you son of bitch!

Y/n: so is your mother.

Numerous of click were heard behind the men as the Cafe was filled with undercover cops aim there guns at them. Outside the men are arrested for conspiracy while I heard over the radio that all responders head to Gotham harbor killer croc has been sighted there. I tag along with one of the officers  in a cruiser heading to the harbor.

At the harbor killer croc battling batman on the docks trying to reach the waters. He threw a boat at batman bit he dodged it as it blew up behind launching batman out the harbor landing on a police cruiser.

Y/n: call in back up we can't let him escape.

The officer nodded and radio some back  immediately while I tend to batman he been beaten to hell but I know he'll bounce back from this he always does. I killer croc laying in dock unconscious as well, I see a vial batman is holding  it's one of those tranquilizers he carries with him. Grabbing the injector I approach killer croc slowly his physique  is very well built muscular at least I didn't know he has a tail it's just a crocodiles tail but bigger I side tracked a bit of how he looks up close. His eye opened wide yellow sclera with a slit pupils staring right at me as a spot light from the gcpd helicopter on us, a large hand got a hold of my neck lifting me up the air like I'm some a raggedy doll, he got up from the ground growling as he goes for a bite.

Y/n: w- wa-

Killer croc: don't struggle.

I feel his hot breath under my chin when said it.

Y/n: wa- waylon j- jones.

Killer croc froze at my response calling him by his real name, he stared at me shocked.

Killer croc: why did say that name!

His grip softens allowing me to speak.

Y/n: it's your name isn't it, most call you croc but before all of that you've been waylon jones a boy who could never be human, what you been through is hell right. Your life has been nothing but pain and misery you end up in a asylum.

Killer croc: you don't know me!

Y/n: I do know you want to be happy, loved, accepted, but everyone sees you as a monster. But I see is a broken man wanting to be human let me tell you what you are.

Killer croc: what makes think that.

Y/n: if you are a monster you would of ripped my head off without a care.

Killer croc expression turn frustrated of how true it is, he wants a normal life  but he can't , not with all the scales he carries. A hand patted  forearm catching his attention.

Y/n: I know what you are, a loner that helps people in the sewers they call you a hero. Deep down you can still have a chance at life, just don't become the monster be greater.

I dropped to the ground landing on my ass.Waylon stood over me looking straight into my eyes for a moment then the unexpected happened he surrender  kneeling down next to me.

Killer croc: use that thing on me it'll make it look believable.

Y/n: no, get up I'll walk you to the truck waylon.

Batman came seeing y/n bring in croc this confused him.

Batman: what happened out there?

He said in a stern tone.

Y/n: just talked talked him down.

I walked away from batman placing waylon in the transport truck.

Killer croc:  I didn't get your name?

Y/n: it's y/n.

The truck drove away as I sat down on a bench as more of batman's heroes group one of them peek at me few times until one walked up to me he wore a blue bird on his chest.

Nightwing: hey I gotta ask what did you say to croc?

Y/n: I just told him what he needed to a hear, I told to not be a monster.

Nightwing: huh well batman thinks you are on to something and I told he's being a little to skeptical about it.

Y/n: look the guy hear me out and surrendered what more could I tell you.

Nightwing: I believe you just want to know what happened, well we're going to the Arkham asylum to make sure he's situated.

Y/n: yeah you do that.

I'm left alone to my thoughts as I made a super villain back down, hm makes you think what's going through crocs head after that talk.

Later at arkham asylum

Killer croc is being put back in his cell it was bigger than any other cell it's filled with water so he can be my hydrated.
The cell door closed sealing it tight while croc heard the name told to him. Staring at a wall thinking

Killer croc: y/n huh your something else.

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