grandmother! DE + child! Reader (platonic)

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Requested by: No One

Here Reader goes by They/Them

!no ships were included!

No ones P.O.V:

You were lost in a gloomy forest at night, you were lost, you had no way back home... actually... did you even have a home to begin with?

You sat down near a dry log, not knowing where you were. You're little legs were tired... you felt unsafe, after all, you were a child all alone in a dark scary forest. You hugged your knees close to your chest and began to cry...

You heard footsteps aproaching...

"Oh!... you poor weak soul..." the woman said kneeling down to your height, "what is a child doing here all alone? Where are your parents?" the woman asked as you looked up to see who was talking to you.

She was a tall woman with horns, white hair, and a long cape. She got back up and looked down at you, she gently picked you up and started walking (she's evil, but she's not cold hearted enough to leave a child on their own in a forest).

(Later, cause I don't want to write everything that happened 'till she got to the Dark Team's abode)

She was holding you in her arms as she called all the members' attention, all of them stopped talking emediatly and snapped their heads towards their master.

"Thank you all for gathering here today! We have a new member added to our team today!" she said in a nicer tone than ever, "go ahead and introduce yourself dear" she said as she put you down and gave you a soft pat on the head and took a step back.

"I'm..." you started before looking at the others then at Dark Enchantress, who smiled at you and nodded, as a sign for you to continue, "i'm Y/N Cookie..." you said as Dark Enchantress told the rest to introduce themselves as well.

(After they introduced themselves, cause i'm too lazy to write all their introductions, but Licorice was the first one to introduce himself before being cut off by Pomegranate)

After all their introductions, Dark Enchantress let you play with Poison Mushroom while she continued her meeting with the other members.

While playing with Poison Mushroom, they kept trying to feed you a mushroom multiple times, in the last time, you finally gave in and took the mushroom as they did a little happy dance.

You kept playing until Dark Enchantress called you up again, you took Poison Mushroom's hand and led them back to the meeting room, Dark Enchantress was going to tell them to sit down but you insisted on bringing them with you to the front where Dark Enchantress was sitting.

Dark Enchantress told you that from now on you were living with them and that you were now her grandchild, "thank you so much grandma!" you thanked her and she hugged you saying that she would do her best to protect you from now on.


Y/N and Dark Enchantress' grandmother and grandchild relationship:

- Ever since you joined the Dark Team, Dark Enchantress has been the best grandmother/ mother figure ever!

- Sometimes when she has meetings with the other members, you ask if you can come along to which she gladly allows! But the others can't help but notice that she acts way nicer when you're around.

-Whenever you play with Poison Mushroom, she always asks Licorice to look after the both of you, since Pomegranate is always busy, Affogato is almost never around and doesn't care about yours nor Poison Mushroom's existance at all, and Red Velvet is too busy with the cake hounds, though, if Poison Mushroom and Licorice are on a mission, Red Velvet will take care of you, plus, you love to play with the cake hounds!

- She plans on telling you the truth of why cookies were made further in the future since you are only a child as of now.

Your relationship with the other members:


She's normaly busy with Dark Enchantress' commands, and if it wasn't for her extreme obediance towards Dark Enchantress, she would definatly snap at you if you annoyed her too much, you're always careful when you're around her, you become cautios of your surroundings so you don't accidentally bump on to anything or so you don't drop anything. You are scared of doing anything wrong around her, you are scared of her, with her obsession for your grandmother and your grandmother's huge trust in her, you're afraid she might get you kicked out of the Dark Team's base, after you've gotten used to it.

Besides your fear of Pomegranate, she has secretly warmed up to you and if anything happened to you, she would make sure to take the blame for it.


He always tries to act tough and like he doesn't care for you, but whenever you or Poison Mushroom gets hurt, he will do anything he can to help out, you both see him as an older brother.

He warmed up to you faster than Pomegranate, due to the fact that since the first day you arrived, he was told to babysit you and PM.


You don't know anything at all about this man, you only know that whenever he's around because the faint scent of coffee fills the room.

Who says he cares about your existance?

-Red Velvet:

When Licorice is out on missions, he is forced to babysit you (sometimes PM as well), he was surprised when he found out that you weren't scared of his cake hounds, you even said the first time he ever babysat you: "why would I be scared of them? They are so heckin' cute!", and this made him go on and on about all of the cake hounds' favorite things, this made you smile and you appreciate his company and effort to take care of you (you soon found out he was DE's son and you started calling him your uncle ever since).

He only started to warm up to you after finding out you loved cake hounds as much as him.

-Poison Mushroom:

PM is like your sibling and best friend! You two have a strong bond and sibling relationship! You've gotten used to their shroomie gifts and found out you were immune to poison, which you were super happy about! After all, you aren't damaged by your sibling's gifts ^ ^

They warmed up to you faster than any of the other members did.


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