Pure Vanilla x male! Reader

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Requested by: Hladki_TheLast

There's no specific plot so just enjoy whatever the heck my mind just came up with :>


Y/N was currently tending to his husband's orchids, while Pure Vanilla was holding a council meeting with Hollyberry and Dark Cacao Cookie, his old friends, to discuss the plans of Dark Enchantress Cookie.

Y/N prefered to care for the orchids rather than attending the council with his husband, while in the garden, he saw two cookies he had never seen before, he was about to walk up to them, when Gingerbrave came by.

He stayed in the same spot, staring and trying not to seem like he was eavesdropping on them, when Gingerbrave turned to him, Y/N just turned around to finish his work in the garden instead of letting himself get caught to join the conversation, which Gingerbrave just walked up to him

Gingerbrave: "Hi there!" he greeted, startling the poor h/c haired cookie, "oh! It's you Y/N Cookie!"

Y/N Cookie: "ahem... yes... hello Gingerbrave"

Gingerbrave: "consul Clotted Cream Cookie, this is Y/N Cookie! Pure Vanilla's husband! Y/N, this is consul Clotted Cream Cookie, from the Créme Republic!"

Clotted Cream Cookie: "well... this was an unexpected meeting, i'm meeting an ancient hero's husband! Hello sir" he bows to Y/N in a polite manner, "it is very pleasant to meet you"

Y/N Cookie: "it is a pleasure, consul Clotted Cream Cookie" he bowed his head down.

Gingerbrave: "is Pure Vanilla Cookie still in the council room?"

Y/N Cookie: "why yes... he has alot to talk about with his old friends, I wouldn't want to interupt..."

Clotted Cream Cookie: "well, I actually came to join this council, in the honor of House Custard"

Y/N Cookie: "interesting..."

Gingerbrave: "come on Y/N! Come with us so you can join Pure Vanilla Cookie as well!"

Y/N Cookie: "as much as it would be lovely to see my husband, I must decline... I have loads of Vanilla Orchids to care for at the moment..."

Clotted Cream Cookie: "please sir... just this once, I promise to help with the garden later on if you'd just come with us to the meeting"

Y/N sighed, taking off the apron he was wearing, before following Gingerbrave, Clotted Cream and Financier.

-Y/N left the council room earlier than Pure Vanilla and the others-

Y/N Cookie: "welcome back darling" he greeted as his husband proceeded to hug him from behind, "heh... Vani.. i'm making dinner now, I can give you all the attention you need afterwards"

Pure Vanilla: "I am afraid I am not letting go...."

Y/N Cookie: "oh what am I going to do about you" he sighed, he atleast finished dinner, "alright, come on, let's have dinner, then you can cling onto me all you want", Pure Vanilla grumbled a little, but sat down at the table for dinner.

Cuz I don't know what to write ;-;

Y/N sat down on the couch and let Pure Vanilla cling onto him, he knows that his husband is going to be out like a light in a few minutes.

Pure Vanilla: "thank you N/N..." he sounded very sleepy already, and if Y/N wanted to enjoy the comfort of his bed, he would have to take Pure Vanilla along before he fell asleep right there.

Y/N Cookie: "don't fall asleep yet you're gonna make me sleep on the couch with you again, Vani... come on, let's go to bed" he helped his husband up from the couch.

*(After that they just slept ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)*

Sorry I couldn’t think of anything else, but i've been a bit busy with highschool lately....
(My apologies for the poorly written ending ;-;)

Peace ✌️

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