don't leave me too!

24 3 6

Take more angst hahahahahahahahahaha you can't escape the angst whahahhahahahhahhahaahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahaha

TWS: death mentions, fucking sad shit

You have been warned

-engywooks POV-

It's been atleast 2 days after tubbos death, and 3 after quackitys I think... I can't remember much anymore, grief I guess... Techno is getting worse tho, he was bad before but now... *sigh* I so badly want to burn this place to the ground, I want Tommy and Wilbur, I want my friends to be okay! I want them to be alive! But I can't have that! I never had that! we were always on the run! No one was evey okay or alive, we were all dead inside! I felt tears prickle in my eyes, I didn't try stop them when they fell, I don't care anymore I've lost all of it, soon technos gonna go isn't he?

"Engywook" I heard a vocie, I looked up to see ranboo in a guard uniform, more tears fell from my eyes
"WHAT?!" I yelled "WHAT ELSE COULD YOU POSSIBLE WANT!?" I yelled, someone them put their hand on my shoulder it was techno, I calmed down a bit
"We're talking you to visit your friends at the cemetery" ranboo said unlocking the doors
"Your gonna be in that cemetery soon" I snarled as me and techno walked out, ranboo eyed me down making sure there was nothing that could put him in that cemetery on me, cause if there was, I would.

We got into the stupid police car with that shit ranboo and other police officers and we began driving to the cemetery.

After getting there they took us to the graves of our friends, once there I stared down knowing their rotting dead corpses were under us, tears began to fill my eyes as all the memories of my friends death flashed in my vision, techno hugged me
*he's gonna go next*
*HES GONNA GO NEXT* the words bommed in my head as more tears fell down my face, I fell to floor and techno came down with me, not letting me go as if he was stuck to me

-after 20 minutes-

20 minutes had passed, the guards and police let us talk to our dead friends
"We have to go now..." Ranboo said, he sounded sad
"You know ranboo..." I said as my vocie began cracking indecating I was go to cry again "tubbo lik-ed you m-ore th-en a f-rie-nd" I looked over at ranboo who just stared at me Cleary broken by what I said
"HE F-UCKING LOVED YOU!" I shouted as more tears rolled down my cheeks, they weren't sad ones, they were anger
"Oh.. I K is that, trust me... I know" ranboo then looked away, I went to talk but was interrupted
"Let's go now!" Snapped a police officer, me and techno stood up and we walked back to the car
"Engy" techno said
"Yes bud?" I sounded like I was talking to a little kid
"I can't take this anymore..." He said looking at me
"Wha- what do you mean?!" Panic rose in me
"You know what I mean" he looked at me and send a sad smile
"D-ont leave me too!" God damit I'm gonna start crying
"No promises" he then grabbed my hand and squeezed it trying to reisure me, wasn't working at all, why now would he do that, I wanna fucking disappear!

Well... No promises that techno won't die, no promises at all
More angst comeing motherfuckers

Word count:540

(Aye more words
Edited 25/2/2023 & 2/25/2023

New word count: 607)

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