•┈••✦✦••┈• Lilith's story/Beginning•┈••✦✦••┈ •

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Hello My name is Lilith.. I am a Celestial Angel along side my 7 brothers!.. well I was until I tried to temper with one humans life, I know I would get in trouble for it but the human I was trying to save was someone special.. they made me feel something strange in my heart.. that others could not be able to do.. whenever I'm with them my heart beats fast and I can't stop smiling around them.. and I was very close with them too.. it was a confusing, strange but a thrilling experience.. I want to go back to those times.. and relive them but Now i have to forget that I even meet that person to keep them safe from Micheals wrath.. Haha.. Now it leads me to where I am right now.. in celestias largest coliseum.. surrounded by a lot of crowd of angry angels and celestial warriors.. me kneeling down before my Father or shall I say creator.. ready to face death... it was like a public execution and a lesson to the others.. right when father was a about to kill me.. something very unexpected happened.. someone fired a powerful magical beam at Father.. it was coming from a pink like smoke in the corner of the coliseum. The Warriors quickly surrounded the smoke and prepared there weapons.. when the smoke cleared.. everyone's jaw dropped.. as we all see 4 demons..! They have entered celestia and One of them has a description quite familiar.. I tried to figure out who it is and I couldn't believe this is true, It was one of the 13 pillars of devildom "Mc/yuki" is here! and it looks like they are accompanied by 3 other demons.. Mc waved at me and smiled and looked up to Micheal and yelled "Hey Micheal! sorry to interrupt what ever you guys are doing but I'll be taking that girl" The audience were shocked to see someone had the audacity to talk Micheal so casually.. Mc starts walking towards me but the celestial warriors quickly blocked and warned Mc not to go any further or else Mc will face criminal charges against celestia then suddenly black fabric swiftly flies towards the guards and wraps it's self around them.. almost suffocating them, I've never seen that before so I was astound by it.. then I heard a deadly command by my father "Kill lilith immediately and don't let those demons take her away nor interfere in this execution !" the guards quickly took there swords and was ready to slash me but it was all blocked from a quick blade from one of the demons.. he burnt the rope that's tied around my feet and hand.. so I quickly said thank you and tried to run away but I was caught by a giant hand! I begged the hand to let me go but the demon controlling the hand looked at me with an annoyed expression on his face and said "You annoying angel we are trying to help you so.. if you want to live Shut up" I felt kind of angry but I still complied.. As I look around me.. I see Every celestial warrior has bloodlust in there eyes for Me, And the 4 demons.. i looked away horror and I made eye contact with some familiar figures.. tears rolled down my face and I was too stunned to speak.. I see my brothers and Simeon eyes filled with pity while looking at me from a distance but as for Raphael he was ready to kill me.. and I was right! I didn't even get a chance to blink and Raphael threw ten spears at me and the boy! hitting the hand I was grabbed in.. I feel down and the boy shouted "Run!" So I quickly ran.. Obviously.. While I was running I looked back and saw the guy who carried me in his hand get very angry and started to attack Raphael.. I see my brothers flying to help Raphael and I turned my head and continue to run "Everything happening right now is my fault.. These demons shouldn't have interfered with my execution—" Some-one suddenly grabbed my hand and it was a beautiful lady with long pink hair. I was mesmerized by her beauty..and I suddenly felt a bit drowsy until she slapped me "I'm truly sorry for slapping you! But please come with me I'll take you somewhere safe!" I nodded and she took me somewhere far but it was not far enough from the battle field.. when we were still running I heard flapping wings behind me so I turned my head to see Simeon "An angel?! Stay away!"shouted the pink haired girl.. in response Simeon shouted back "Give her back you demon! the fight will only get bigger if you continue to interfere with this execution!" Then suddenly a black shadow.. or some sort of mist appeared behind Simeon and injured his wings.. "Simeon!" I tried to help him get up but the lady held my hand tighter.. and the black shadow figure said.. "Nikki take her to the forest.. Go!" And the girl did exactly what the shadow ordered and brought me in the forest.. once we reached the deeper side.. the lady layed a familiar black fabric on the ground.. "Hey I've seen you running around for quite some time and don't you think it's tiring..?" The lady asked me with a sweet gentle tone.. I nodded and she insisted I should sit beside her and take a rest so i sat down.. who wouldn't though? And I made the right choice! it feels so nice it's like Im sitting down on a fluffy cloud right now! The lady heard rustling by a near by bush and quickly stood.. "Miss Lilith.. we need to move now!" I stood up as she held my hand again but this time she's holding on it quite tightly.. to the point it was kinda hurting me.. she looked at the bush.. and saw angel wings after that She said "What ever you do or what's happening. Do not let go of my hand!" She started running so fast it was hard for me to keep up with her.. after all that running I don't even know where we are at this point that's what we get for running into the middle of the forest. We stopped at a huge tree and the lady finally let me go.. and she said "We will see each other again Miss Lilith, someone is going to fetch you here in a short while so please wait for them.. farewell" Then she disappeared.. I didn't even get to know her name.. But Her name has a "N" in it but I can't remember what it is... "Lilith!" I heard 2 familiar voices.. "Belphie.. Beel Is that really you guys..?" Belphie chuckles and says "Ofcourse it's us Lilith" I immediately hugged them both and cried so much.. they also hugged me back but little did I know belphie and beel were not actually them but imposters.. How did I know? Even in serious situations belphie can be a little sarcastic.. If it was the real belphie he would have said "Its obviously me dummy, have you're vision decreased by any chance?" Still I didn't care if they were fake.. they looked liked the real deal so I still hugged them and I was pathetically crying but the Belphie imposter took out his holy dagger and was ready to stab my back.. but that black shadow appeared again and injured the imposters backs something grabbed me from behind and it was Mc?! I was so dumbfounded about the whole situation right now but Atleast I wasn't stabbed in the back.. literally. The shadow killed one of the guards and was ready to kill the other one but then the other guard signaled some one to shoot Me but Mc took the hits with there wing.. and Mc used there other wing to prevent my clothes to be spilled with blood.. I want to do something! But I cannot I'm weak.. and I won't be any help to them at all.. and will just become a burden to them so I sat silently "Lilith Are you alright?" Asked Mc.. I nodded and as soon as did that.. Mc shot a powerful blow to where the arrows came from and hugged me.. the shadow finally killed the guard then Mc started coughing blood then fainted in my arms.. the two demons I had an encounter earlier appeared and the one who picked me up earlier, carried Mc in his arms and command the pink haired lady "Nikki open the portal for us please" As the Nikki chanted some spells.. the shadow warrior finally turned into the Guy who blocked the sword slashes.. He asked if I was alright and if I had some injuries. I only told him I had couple of scratches and blisters on my foot but once he heard that he carried me and I held on tight.. The thing I thought in my mind at the time was "Being carried by a handsome, strong demon was a surprising experience" I saw the man's face turn a little bit red and I thought "Can he read my mind?" He looked at me and nodded, I have never been so embarrassed in my life! I hid my face quickly, but he just chuckled and said "Thank you Lilith, and btw my name is Yuu I hope we can get along" I responded "Same here.. sir yuu" Then Miss Nikki Informed us the portal was finally opened.. Yuu-san took a couple of steps and finally stepped in the portal... I was shocked to see.. Devildom! I've only heard rumors about how this place looks and I've never been or seen the place before! It's the total opposite of celestia like the description of the TSL book!" I was looking around to see where we are heading and I see we are headed to a Dark Mansion.. the details of the house feels familiar.. wait don't tell me this is the house of the characters of TSL lived?! I asked Yuu if he knew about TSL and he responded with "Oh you know that series?" I quickly responded with "Yes! I'm a big fan of Christopher Peugeots work!" "Oh.. that's great Lilith, Now I'm glad I have someone to discuss TSL with btw while Mcs taking rest want to introduce to everyone in the house?" "Everyone?" "Yes everyone.. there are in total of 7— I mean 6 people living in this house" "Oh when can I do that?" "Once Nikki heals you up.. I'll let you meet the little ones"..
It's been 2months since I've seen the light of celestia.. I miss my brothers.. but it's time to move on! I've got my new family.. I've formed bond and attachment with everyone in the house.. *sigh* I still remember what i said when it was "that day" I chuckled and remembered my pathetic sentence "Everything happening right now is my fault.. These demons shouldn't have interfered with my execution.." I'm glad they did if they didn't I would have been dead by now.. I wonder what Michael is doing right now.. and how come he didn't send any Angels to kill me.. well it doesn't matter I've got people who can protect me..
*Grim hits Liliths back*

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