•┈••✦✦••┈•Avatar of Envy & Avatar of Gluttony •┈••✦✦••┈•

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I woke up bright and early and I feel absolutely tired and sleepy.. I think it's because it's so early in the morning I'll take a shower to get rid of this drowsiness so I walked to my bathroom and tried to take a shower but when I turned the water on.. Oh my Fricken Diavlo the water is too damn cold!.. after I finished taking a chilly bath.. I exited my bathroom, dried myself off and changed onto my clothes after all that I walked down the hallway to Nikki and momos room and I arrived at front of there door so I knocked and I really didn't expect somebody would respond to me because it's so early in the morning but I hear a voice shouting "who is it?" So I responded and then the voice said "Oh it's you Lilith, come in". I slowly opened the door.. and the first thing I saw was Momo wearing a long dress.. I wanted to let out a tiny giggle but..


Momo:H-hey! Stop laughing at me!

Nikki:She's probably laughing because you're so cute in that

After I finished laughing.. Nikki and Momo asked me what was I doing in there room this early in the morning.. and I told them the exact reason
Nikki:Oh so you want to learn about Mine and momos backstory before we became a avatar?

Lilith:Yes I've been wondering what you're backstories are for a while actually!

Nikki:My memories are a bit blurry.. so I'm not really sure I will say the right things 

Momo:don't worry Nikki I'll help you remember those memories in one condition we take a break and I can eat those snacks over there

Nikki: *sigh*

It seemed like I've made a problem for them.. so out of panic I let out a sheepish suggestion

Lilith:Is there anyway I can help you guys? For bothering you guys

Momos eyes sparkled and hugged me tightly.. I didn't really expect this reaction from him.. so I was really startled

Momo:So for you to be help to me is.. will you be the one who will model for Nikki's new project?

I nodded and Momo started to jump around, I can hear Nikki sigh but she looked at me and gave me a little smile..

Nikki:Come here Lilith and I'll tell you everything
Momo was a little kitten roaming around the lonely streets.. very scrawny he looked like he barely ate anything.. he tried communicating with humans but they would either run away or contact a research facility.. he was safe no where.. until we bumped to each other.. I was heading back home from college but here's the amazing catch it was raining super hard and I forgot my umbrella very cliche right? so I needed to run in the rain ughhh... it didn't help that I needed to do something important at home.. just my luck and there I was running and running getting wetter by the minute after all that running I couldn't help but notice my dress was soaked and by some pure miracle I saw a near by shelter for me to stay in for a while.. i exclaimed "Thank God" and I quickly ran to the shelter and saw there I saw tiny Momo.. since I loved cats so much, I wanted to pet him but then he spoke I was afraid and ready to run again but he quickly said "I mean no harm! Please don't run away!" I was just stunned on seeing a talking cat for the first time so I sat down trying to process things.. He introduced himself and asked "why were you running in the rain?" I responded that I needed to do something back home.. after I said that Momo instantly said "Can you take me with you.. I have no place to go and I'm really hungry.." at first I was like Hell no I ain't taking a talking cat with me! I refused and stood up.. I said my goodbyes.. and ran as I ran away I looked back and saw Momo crying.. my heart sank when I saw him wiping his tears so I stopped running.. and Thinkered on what to do.. after a few minutes I walked back to Momo and offered to adopt him.. his face quickly brightened up and he hugged me tightly.. crying and yelling with joy... My heart.. the warm feeling of making someone happy brought a smile on my face and tears in my eyes.. as I hugged back I promised to my self from that day on I swore to protect Momo with everything I can..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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