Is it a blessing or a curse? | VoxTo

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shoto centric bcs  I love writing flustered bo'oms ;)

also, I'm VoxTo fluff deprived, fuck ao3 (jk luv y'all) for giving me 90% smut on their tags, I don't wanna be horny I wanna be happy


Shoto's POV


I began clicking my keyboard to reply to this idiot.

"Ik lol gonna be the first time meeting u guys kinda nervous :p" and press send. Not even one minute had passed I already received another reply.

"Guess who's excited to see you too? ᕙ⁠(⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠◉⁠)⁠ᕗ"  my eyebrows furrowed at the words presented on my screen right now.

"who?" I immediately replied wait— I didn't sound to giddy right? I was just askin' right- there's literally nothing wrong with that.

"wouldn't you like to know?" another reply from mysta, hold on  THAT DOESN'T SOUND MYSTA AT ALL?????

Shaking off the weird feeling I didn't bother to reply and laid down on my bed checking my phone once again and my twitter exploded on how almost all Vtubers are attending an Anime Con on Vegas like Nijisanji, Hololive, and other individual streamers like myself and Bao. I closed my eyes wanting to rest from a long-ass stream I did awhile ago and didn't bother to tweet anything.


"SHOTOOOOOOOO!" A very familiar voice echoed through the airport hall. My eyes wander around where the voice was coming from and seeing Mysta motherfucking Rias waving his hands along with the Luxiem members standing at the back. He threw himself on me like a car without breaks that I almost— with my utmost passion resist my urge to just dodge and let him plop on the floor but with a good friend that I am, I let him hug me.

"Fuck you Mysta you almost knock my lungs out" I said tapping his back and heard him laugh as he let go of me with a smile on his face.

"Damn we just saw each other and you're throwing me out like this?" his hands went to his eyes and pretend to wipe off a tear in which earns a chuckle from me and other Luxiem members as well.

As much as I want to ignore it, I can feel Vox's gaze on mine.

What the fuck.

"Hi Shoto! It was nice to finally meet you man!" Ike smiled.

"Yo bro!" Luca initiated a fist bump in which I gladly obliged.

"Eyyy Shotooo!" Shu who went in for a bro hug.

All went silent when Vox went to me and smiled, not to mention they are staring intently too in which made me kinda.. uncomfy?

"Hey" was the only thing that came out of my mouth. JESUS CHRIST HE'S EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL IN REAL LIFE?!

"Hello darling, we finally met."  he chuckled and pulled me into a soft hug. I don't know if I'm gonna feel insulted on the height difference at a moment like this or what.

"Fuck you" I whispered softly as we continue hugging and heard him chuckled once again.

"Oh my god, I just came and all I'm seeing is two people hugging making me feel more single and miserable damn hey Reimu let's make out" a voice appeared- we immediately look on who it is and revealed the ever iconic Enna Alouette.

"Make out with the ground Enna" Reimu appeared behind her which made everyone laughed.

I walked away from Vox and gave Enna, Petra, and Millie a hug.

"Hi Shoto, I see you make higop of Vox face later ha?" Millie let out a giggle which made me tilt my head in confusion. She also said that in a very weird tone but one question came to my mind.

what is higop?

"Dude let's go, stop putting ideas in his brain Millie" Enna said dragging her suitcase.

It's gonna be a whole day indeed.


Unpacking was exhausting but I was more confused than feel the screaming tiredness of my body.

Vox is being clingy.

He's been calling me out more often and others are also aware of it but I'm sure they don't wanna get in the way.

He often sits beside me during lunch or hold my wrist for absolutely no reason.

We are now resting because we finished unpacking, ready to go karaoke with everyone and Vox is beside me, drinking water.

I shivered lightly as I felt his head on my shoulder. HE'S LEANING ON MY SHOULDER OH MY GOD.

"V-vox?" I called him out but he wasn't responding as I saw Ike and Luca's eyes in our direction.

"Damn bitch? what the fuck get a room" Uki popped up which made my face red like a ripe tomato. fucking hell.

"Shut the fuck up Uki, I'm trying to rest." Vox yelled not moving his head on my shoulder.

"I'll just go to fuu-chan's room bye" Uki said and left the room.

This is so embarrassing!

"Vox" I called out once again and he tilted his head and our nose bumped and made me feel more flustered than I already am.

"Awe, little puppy is flustered by that?" He smirked

"W-what?! I am absolutely NOT flustered, you're flattering yourself excuse me I'm gonna catch up with others" I squeaked. It was actually more like an excuse to get out of this situation.

It's getting too much for me.

I felt a hand on my wrist and looked back to see Vox with the slightest tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Are you fine with us sharing the bed? I've been meaning to ask you since earlier because Nina is suddenly coming and she doesn't have a place to sleep so I offered that she can stay in my room and.." He suddenly asked and It made me flinch!

"Sure, no problem- it can't be helped anyways" I smiled and started to go through my phone as usual.

Mom save meEeeEeee!

"Great, thanks darlin' you deserve a reward"  he chuckled.

When I tell you Vox's voice hits different in real life— it hits fucking different. Jesus Lord what did I do to suffer and have this blessing at the same time?

"Shut up" I replied.

Vox grabbed my head and placed a small kiss at my temple of my forehead and walks out of the room like nothing happened. I was stunned there for a good minute on what just happened.

I gathered my thoughts and went with the others and had the best time of our night. We got wasted and the last thing I remember was passing out on the sofa.

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock.

2:36 AM

I felt some strong arms wrapped around my waist and a steady breathing on my neck.

"Vox?" I called him out and heard him grunt.

"What is it Sho? I'm tired" he whispered, his voice we're all raspy.

"Y-you're hugging me-" I squirmed.

"Yeah I am, can I go back to sleep now?" He asked once again as I felt a soft kiss on my nape.

I sighed knowing this wouldn't end.

Vox being clingy isn't so bad after all.

I thought and I shut down my eyes slowly losing my consciousness and entering dreamland while cuddling with a demon I'm supposed to kill.

All questions can be ask later.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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Is this a Blessing or a Curse? | VoxTo Where stories live. Discover now