The Device

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April 30, 2:05 pm
The systems were all online and stable, but they weren't sure how long that would last.

They were close to ready; Midas had already dismissed all agents and most henchmen from The Agency in preparation for the final event. The event that had been planned and in motion for several years, the event that he and Jules were always secretive about... the event that they had finally revealed just a few months ago: an event to control and send away the storm that surrounded the island and held everyone captive inside.

For two years, The Device had been in construction.

For eight years, Midas had visions.

There were instances, he realized, where everything was abnormal. They would come in twenty-two minute increments at least once every few days. They were instances where it seemed all time had stopped, where he would black out or something of the sort. All he knew at first was that parts of the day would be missing. It would be 3 pm in the afternoon, and then it would be 3:22. He wouldn't put his head down and sleep, and he wouldn't stare into space... at least, not from his knowledge. It simply happened.

It all began when the storm enveloped the outer edges of the island. It encased them in a purple-tinted cone that only showed when there was an active thunderstorm, storms which became common in the year following its arrival. You had to take a boat into miles of ocean before you reached the edge, and there was a purple wall that touched the sky, raining down from large, endless clouds in an amethyst shade. You could look inside it, and it would look like a normal storm lightning in all. You could go inside the storm, yes... but once you did, it became relentless. If you simply stood inside it for too long, you risked a slow and painful death. Midas had experienced that first hand eight years ago.

Then there were times where he made himself aware of those twenty-two minutes. No one would notice he was around, which was impossible. He was the leader of E.G.O and GHOST and his absence would lead to disorder. Then, he would hear sounds of shots, sounds of fighting. Someone he recognized around the island would barge into the room, whether through a door or by breaking down a wall or ceiling tile. Sometimes, it would be his own soldiers—Journey, 8-Ball, Remedy, and more—especially during the first few years of the storm. They wouldn't spare him a glance as they ransacked the place, and it left him unnerved every time.

The twenty-two minutes would end, and everything would go back to normal. Nothing would be destroyed, and everything would be clean and tidy, as if they were never there in the first place.

"That's funny." Jules laughed after he had finally recounted the experiences to her. She thought her brother had finally adopted some strange sense of humor, or that it was nothing more than a conspiracy. But he was completely serious, and it was only after his behavior and routines had grown erratic that she started to listen. The more she thought about it, the more she realized there were moments she felt the same. Repetitive days, memory losses...

Their awareness had only grown, and they were going to put an end to it. They were going to put an end to the strange loop, and they were going to push away the storm once and for all.

They would use Jules's calculations and Midas's endless studies.

There was an explosion. Midas and Jules had prepared accordingly and covered themselves from the debris. The Agency's explosion was controlled this time to make way for The Device, controlled unlike the rubble it had turned into in February, when they had been attacked. From the underground, Jules controlled the contraption. From above, Midas monitored the storm and made sure everything was according to plan.

The Device rose and it rose, only stopping when it reached almost the height of the purple clouds that had closed in in a small circle around only The Agency. Midas tried to speak, but he couldn't. He was muted. They were in a loop. They had planned this.

They had twenty-two minutes for perfection.

The glowing orb sitting at the top middle of the contraption pulsed once, then several times, radiating purple and gold energy with each crackle. Purple, reminiscent of the storm and its rage, and gold, a fraction of Midas's power that they harnessed and used to power The Device.

The orb began to rise. It was pushed into the air and held to its base by a jagged line of energy. A few feet into the air, it enlarged itself and one by one, shot a flowing and pulsing beam of lightning into one of the five beacons sitting in the water surrounding The Agency. With their new power, the beacons shot lightning too and connected them to the wall of the storm, slowly but surely pushing it back. Salty Springs was now exposed, parts of Frenzy Farm were now exposed. Midas grinned. It was working.

Pleasant Park saw the light. The different colored bridges saw the light. More and more of the island became uncovered by the storm, and soon the storm would be no longer at all.

Midas saw his vision blur and fade to white. He could suddenly feel nothing, as if he had faded out of reality completely. It lasted one second, and he was then no longer on the island.

He was in an office room.

There were white shutter blinds covering a large window, separating the room from a hall. Silhouettes were walking or running with panic on the other side. He saw one figure clearly: a man, positioned as if he were speaking on a phone.

Right before him was a desk and a computer. The computer showed a broadcast of The Device, but he had never seen this office before, nor did he have the feeling that he had ever been here before. How did this place have the feed?

He faded in and out again, back to the island. The Device was smoking, each of the beacons were smoking, the orb of energy was blinking, its beams of lightning were blinking and fading. Above the purple clouds, the eye of the storm, there was dark sky glittering with stars. It was a rift between their world and the rest of reality, a rift between the little bubble of space their island was and the rest of the omniverse.

The orb gave out. The Device went dark, save for a red ring that outlined the top platform. There was no more energy lightning, only the harsh flashes of the storm's lightning accompanied by a crash of thunder every second. The sky turned from bright, pale blue to the amethyst shade of the storm to a dark and menacing violet. The clouds that normally hovered at the top lowered and expanded until they covered the entire wall of the storm. They swirled around in the little eye around The Agency, trapping them in a demented vortex that the storm would never let them out of.

Midas ran. He ran through the pelting cascades of rain and the fast lightning to the center of The Agency and down below into the pit where Jules had lost control. He pressed buttons and turned dials and kicked machines and sacrificed another fraction of his golden power. A loud crash, a loud pulse, and The Device had regained power.

It rose once more into the air, even more aggressive than it had been prior, and powered the beacons. The beacons pushed and pushed against the wall of the storm, sacrificing all of their energy and fighting until their last breath against the storm's reign. The storm resisted and pushed closer in a fury of red and orange. The Device wouldn't have it, and with one final strain of energy, it pushed the storm farther and farther until it could never be seen again.

There was a light, floaty feeling in the air. It was placid and warm, it was friendly, something the island had never been. Midas looked up. The sky was clear and glittering with rainbows and halos. Had they won, or was it a show?

He extended his hand. Jules hesitated to take it, reluctant to leave the controls, worried that something else would go wrong. But she did, after she had called for the beacons and The Device to sink back into their hiding spots underground.

They made their way above to the grass outside, dodging jagged concrete walls and holes in the marble floors as they navigated the ruins that were now The Agency. It was like paradise. Birds and butterflies danced and fluttered about the crystal clear air. In the distance, there was no hazy storm covering the giant mountains that must have been dying to be explored. Everything, at last, was peaceful. They had done it: the storm was no more.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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