Chapter 6

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         "For instance... Can even the son of Satan be a good person?"


         There was a moment of silence. Gojo seemed to be in thought. Everyone was anxious for the answer.


        "I believe even a demon that powerful can be good. Their father shouldn't have a say on who the kid is. Even the kid may be the son of Satan can have a heart of gold. It's what I call, born from the wrong father" He said. 


       Poor Rins heart couldn't handle it. He wanted to cry. He couldn't believe it, there was someone who believed that the spawn of Satan can be good. 

       "You okay there Rin?" Itadori asked, placing a hand on Rins shoulder. 

       "Y-yea, it's just....I'm happy" Rin said in a low whisper. 

      They all were taken aback by what Rin said. Should Rin tell them? He felt as tho it was right to tell them. Like if he was going to be protected......

      "How come?" Nobara asked. 

     "That's because I'm...." Rin took a deep breath and faced them all with confidence in his voice and face "That is because I'm the Son of Satan" Rin said.


       There was some time before everyone processed what he said. Megumi spoke first.

          "You're..... A demon?" He asked. Rin nodded. Not afraid to hide it from them. 

           "My, no wonder there was something interesting about you Rin, and that's fine if you're a demon, you don't seem threatening at all so who cares?" Gojo said patting Rin in the back.

         "Besides, Itadori here is kinda the same as you" Gojo said, having his hand on his shoulder. Rin was a bit surprised. Itadori? A demon?


         "You see here Rin, Itadori is a host of a very powerful curse, also known as in others eyes, a powerful demon" Gojo said. Rin was more curious about this "curse". 

        Next thing everyone knows, a single eye and a mouth below the singular eye. Rin jumped when it faced Rin and spoke.

        "Another demon ay? I bet I can kick your a-" It was interrupted by Itadori slapping his whole hand on his cheek, fully covering the eye and mouth.

       "Sorry about Sukuna, he sometimes likes to be a huge jerk" Itadori said with a defeated smile drawn on his face.

       Both Kuro and Rin were still stunned by it, "N-no it's fine, I'm used to the insults, but what I saw is what stunned me" Rin said.

       Nobara looked at the time "We better get going, it's almost 8" She said with a bored voice. 

       Everyone agreed and followed Rin to the school. On the way, Itadori, Megumi, Nobara, and Gojo all got breakfast. Rin didn't get any for he had already eaten. They all were talking as they kept going. About 4 to 5 minutes later, they arrived at the gates to the school.

       "Whoa! It's huge!" Itadori said. 

      Rin smiled. He would be admiring his school the way Itadori was if Rin hadn't had such a hard time here at the school. They don't have to know what hardships and abuse Rin has to go through each and everyday. Just because Rin is a demon, a demon who still has no control over his powers. After the short admiration, Rin lead them all inside.


     "Hey Rin?" Gojo asked.

      Rin stopped walking and faced him "Yes?" Rin asked.

     "I was wondering if you could show us the way to the head master or principal of this school" Gojo said.

       Rin nodded "okay, follow me" He said, walking in the direction of the office.  

      On their way there, someone Rin had hoped to not see came walking by. Bon, Bon was the worst of them all. He hurt Rin verbally, emotionally, and physically. Rin tried to secretly hide his face from him. But Bon saw him, not even seeing the 4 people behind him. He purposely pushed Rin out of the way with his shoulder. 

      "Move outta my way Demon!" Bon glared and walked away, still not noticing the crowd watching Bon.

     "You okay Rin?" Itadori asked.

    "I'm fine, were almost there" Rin said walking to the office with the 4 following behind him. 

       When they arrived, Rin knocked on the door. They all hear a "come in" from behind the door. They enter and the head master, Mephisto Pheles. As usual, he's sitting on his chair with both his feet on his desk. Reading a book. 

      "Mephisto, you have company" Rin said. 

       Mephisto lowered his book and saw the group of people Rin has brought him. Mephisto fixed his posture.

    "Very well then, but Rin, aren't you usually still sleeping around this time?" Mephisto asked. 

     "I woke up early today to show some friends around here" Rin said with an unamused voice. 

     "Ok, well, you best head to class. You don't want to be late now do you Rin?" Mephisto said in a teasing tone of voice.

     Rin nodded and turned around, saying bye to the group and heading to class. Rin stuffed his hands in his pockets and already missing the kind and warm energy they emitted.  Standing in front of his classroom. He prepared himself both physically and mentally. He opened the door and walked in the classroom.

[To be continued....]

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