How it all started

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[Hogwarts castle]
"mr Weasley I'm so glad that you were able to arrive on such short notice" said the old man his beard as white as the pages of a newly bought book as he looked at the ginger man " it's my pleasure albus dew to your importance to the ministry of course we would provide anything you needed as soon as possible and would send the best person to help solve your situation" Arthur said trying to be as formal as possible and Instead sounding like he was trying to mock some body he started walking out of the fire place brushing of dust from his stitched robes which had been a little torn during his travel he continued talking to the old man "could you please inform me of what the problem is so I can" he's was interrupted by a tall man with black hair and dark robes dramatically entering the room as per usual he rolled his eyes seeing the ginger man "of all the people the ministry could have sent they chose him" snape said in an annoyed voice looking at the other two men in the room "well as I was saying what is it that you needed me to help you with professor Dumbledore" he continued ignoring the other man's comment "today professor mcgonagall found a strange object in possession of a student staying during the holidays and we thought that due to you being the head of the misuse of muggle  artefacts you would be the best person to contact about it so would you like me to lead you to the object in question"Dumbledore said slowly walking away due to his age he couldn't walk very fast Arthur left following behind leaving snape alone in the room only lit by a couple of candles and the fireplace after a few minutes of looking around the room he decided to leave to go to his room to start planning his lessons for the next week when all of the students who left will return he cringed at the thought of the smell of the teenagers entering his room covered in sweat after quidditch practice leaving dirt and grass from there shoes trailed all over the floor he could hear Arthur and albus talking in the next room he started thinking about the scruffy ginger man and soon came to realise that he had managed to get hard thinking about the man he looked down at it in shame all it takes is this happening in front of someone and his secret could be revealed to the world he didn't realise that he was actually talking and not thinking he decided that it would probably be best to go and have a shower to get rid of his problem due to some walls in the castle being thin and he didn't want anybody hearing him whimpering while thinking of being inside of a man while touching himself once he had got got out of the shower he raped the towel around his waist he left the bathroom still thinking of the ginger man muttering about all the stuff he wanted to do to him he was about to leave the room when in the corner he saw a pair of bright green eyes staring at him it reminded him of a past girl who he once loved he could just about make out the colour of this persons hair it was the same orange as Lilly's all he could think about in this moment was the dead corpse of his past love staring at him her beautiful green eyes looking soullessly into his he felt a tear fall from his eye he hated thinking of her and  all the good memories that used to bring joy  but now just bring pain and suffer he had almost forgot about the man in the corner until he heard the sound of someone tripping over he looked over wiping the tear from his face "who's there" he said almost sounding panicked "I'm sorry to intrude but I wanted to talk to you about something I heard while you were in the shower" "and what was that" snape said staring into his eyes completely forgetting what had happened a few minutes before " well I believe I heard my name being moaned" Arthur said pinning the other man against the wall "and i disagree because I never had a shower" snape said trying to make the other man think he was just imagining it "well that doesn't explain why i can feel you rubbing against my leg now does it darling" Arthur said smirking at the other man who had started blushing not realising what he was doing "and just for that I believe that I should fuck you so hard that you can't walk in the morning don't you darling" snape just looked at him he didn't know how to react he was so used to being a top he just panicked he didn't k so what to do so he just listened and obeyed Arthur's words " go to that desk bend over it and be a good boy for me darling" arthur said taking his trousers of walking towards the man bent over the desk once he got there he slapped snapes ass and all he could hear was a whimper escape the other man "you like that don't u prince" snape you stared at the wall which pissed arthur off he slapped him harder "when I ask a question I expect an answer" snape moaned again the only words that could escape his lips were "yes sir" Arthur looked at the man he looked so cute his legs spread for him bent over the desk all he wanted was to fuck him until he started crying begging him to stop he slowly shoved his dick in the other man's ass all he could hear was snape moaning underneath him as he started speeding up so did his moans the inside of his ass was so tight he couldn't help groaning at it he could feel the sweat dripping down his forehead after only a couple of minutes he came inside of the man's ass he stoped checking if snape was ok his face was red he decided to tell the other man to get in the shower to get all of the cum out of his ass as he left he couldn't help but stare at his ass he decided to join him in the shower as he entered the small room he saw a small yellow thing in the shower it was shaped as a duck he asked him " what is that yellow thing" snape replied in a sarcastic tone " well it's obviously a hat muggers wear it to show how rich they are it's called a rubber duck hat there aren't many and when muggles see one all they can do is stare at the person most of the time they laugh to cover up there jealousy of the person wearing it" Arthur looked at him so surprised that he knew what it was he had asked multiple people what it was but they were either interrupted or they would  laugh at him even the famous Harry Potter didn't know what it was his thoughts were interrupted by snape saying something "you can have mine if you want as you know all of the students go back to Hogwarts tomorrow and if you go to kings cross station all eyes will be on you" Arthur thought about it for a minute he knew how important this hat was and didn't want to take it from him but on the other hand he was being offered a gift so lovely he didn't want to offend snape by saying no
[  the next day:kings cross station]
"Dad?" Ron asked looking at the duck on his head " yes son" "what are you wearing on your head" Ron said looking concerned for his farther " well this is a rubber duck hat these are very rare in the muggle world  you don't see people wearing these very often if you see anyone looking at us just smile at them" as he entered the train station every one was looking at him giggling and snickering whilst looking at the bath toy resting on his finger hair some people would say it looked like the rubber duck was being roasted above a fire due to his hair colour "excuse me sir" a small boy said to Arthur "why do you look so proud while you are wearing a bath toy on your head" he looked very curious so Arthur decided to explain to him that this was no bath toy it was a symbol of power and wealth he said " well this is a rubber duck hat it is very expensive it is a mark of money that is why you never see people wearing them only the richest people can" the boy responded saying " no it's not you're so silly it costs £1.59 from a corner shop are you trying to fool me or something??" He immediately took the rubber toy of of his head he was so angry with snape he lied to him about the duck he was so embarrassed his face turned red it was at this moment he saw people with there phones out taking photos of him he rushed away this incident had almost caused the family to miss the train to Hogwarts luckily they managed to make it in time to get on as he waved good bye to his children he saw snape getting on the train with a new boy joining Hogwarts snape smirked at him all he could do is give him a death stare as the train left he decided that he never wanted to see the other man again due this this public embarrassment

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