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We left the male still chained up and exited the basement. Me and Maverick had taken most of out anger out on him, but wanted to keep him alive for later torture.

Me and my mates sat in the living room as we chatted. Rein had showered but the scent stayed, it was weird that I likes the scent, in fact I was obsessed with it, and the others agreed.

A sudden string of chirps made all of us go quiet with wide eyes. The chirps were faint but there was no mistaking the calling of a fledgling, they sounded in pain and exhausted. We bolted up from the couch and tried to determine where it was coming from but it cut off a moment after it started.

"What the hell?" Maverick whisper yelled.

"Where did it come from?" Rein asks.

"Why did it stop? Better question; Why is a fledgling so close to the mansion and not with it's caregiver?" I ask.

But of course, non of us had ansers. After a good hour of checking around the place we decided to just leave it and if we hear it again then we will deal with it.

Time skip- Dinner

Rein placed our plates in front of us at the table before taking his own seat and sitting down.

"So, did you guys kill that human yet?" Rein asks as he cuts up his steak.

"No. We decided to keep him alive for further torture, he ain't getting an easy death." I chuckle the last part as I take a bite of my salad.

"That's for sure." Maverick laughed as he sipped his cup if blood.

Adult vampires have to have atleast a 18oz of blood per week to stay strong and healthy. Fledglings have to have blood daily and has to be by their mate once they see each other. When a fledgling sees their mate they instantly feel the need to mark them, same thing for adult vampires to other adult mates. After they scent mark their body instantly changes and since their body is changing so much, they have to rest way more since the transition is taking up their energy. To speed up the process fledglings will drink blood specifically from their mate, and from the moment they scent mark, they also can only drink from their mates. Well, they can drink bagged blood, but they have to have their mates blood atleast twice per week, if not, they will slowly start to die. If a fledgling drinks more bagged blood than from their mate, then they will become weaker and have a less likely chance at survival. It's sad, but it's how we work.

"Am I the only one who keeps smelling another mate?" Rein asks in a choked and desperate voice, almost like he's been holding onto that for a while.

"No, I've been smelling them too." Maverick says as he stares hard at his steak with pinched brows.

"Same." I mutter. Their smell keeps getting stronger than weaker depending on where I'm at in the house. But, god, I love their scent.

"I can't believe we have another mate." Rein says as he leans back and gazes at the ceiling.

"I wonder if it's a girl or a boy, or what they're like." I mutter.

"Their scent is always wavering through the mansion and it's driving me nuts." Maverick says in a dreamy tone.

"Maybe we'll meet them soon." I say thoughtfully.

"I hope." Rein sighs.

"I wonder... what if the fledgling that made those chirps is our mate." Me and Reins' eyes widen and we look at Maverick.

"Could be.." I mutter.

"If it is then we need to find them!" Rein says as he stands up, but I pull him back down.

"Babe! We can't know for sure, plus, it's useless to go searching for them. A mates scent travels and sticks to their mates stuff, so they could have just passed by and.." I sigh. "who knows."

Rein looks down with a troubled face, he looks stressed and upset.

"I'm going to go do some work." He mutters and grabs his plate, putting it in the microwave before heading out of the room. The tension in the air was thick and heavy as me and Maverick sighed and continued our meal before cleaning up and heading to bed.

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