Two Birds On A Wire

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Stanley awoke from another reset, he sighs and slumps down into his seat, he HATED this place so much.

The way he gets thrown into his chair to be notified that its time to start another run, the looping storys and endings, and-

"STANLEY! For HEAVEN'S sake! Can you start the run already?!"

-him. His annoying British self screeched at Stanley. He had a voice that could give anyone a headache if they listened for too long, Stanley was soooo lucky to have to listen to him every day, every hour, every second, of his life. His nasally, annoying, voice followed Stanley everywhere.

"ANNOYING?! I assure you I am NOT annoying, just ignore Stanley, he doesn't know what he is thinking about."

He sounded butt-hurt, thats what got Stanley the most, the fact that Narrator can get so attacked on one small thing always made Stanley smile.

"Like a sadistic animal, Stanley finds enjoyment in making the only other being with him annoyed, maybe even a little sad."

Stanley knew Narrator was only staying this to make him feel bad.. and it was working.

Stanley sighs and stands up.

"Ready to start the story I suppose?"

Stanley looks up to the ceiling, the place he suspected the Narrator layed, he just gives a pathetic nod and looks ahead, starting on the adventure.

"All of his coworkers-"

Two Birds On A Wire ||Stanley Parable||Where stories live. Discover now