welcome, little gilmore

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The new girl then came in and Eloise heard Tristan ohh at her. She turned her head in his direction and watched his eyes slowly skim her figure, she looked back at the new girl and watched her take the empty seat next to her. Eloise simply rolled her eyes at her and started to take out her highlighters and red pen. 

The girls came scrambling in, Imogen sitting to my right and Berlin sitting behind me. I turned to look at the disgust on their faces as the new girl clearly acknowledged their presence but didn't mutter a word. "You look nice, Ellie." Imogen said, putting a hand on her shoulder. Berlin touched the hand that Imogen had on me and continued with, "You always do." The teacher than began the lesson.

At times, Eloise found it hard to actually think of herself as anything more than smart, but she had to be more. She was expected  to be more.


After about 30 minutes of getting into the lesson, Eloise kept answering the questions like a champ. 

"And while French culture was the dominant outside cultural influence, especially for Russia's moneyed class, English culture also had its impact. Tolstoy's favorite author, for instance, was..." the teacher let it linger to let a student answer and in an instance, Eloise raised her hands, her notebook closed, "Dickens." 

The teacher nodded in approval and continued, "Yes. And of course, last week we covered Dostoyevsky's main authorial influences..." 

Eloise raised her hand and the teacher nodded in her direction, "George Sand and Balzac."

"Good Miss Irvine. As Tolstoy commenced writing War and Peace and Anna Karenina, Count Leo would turn to..." the teacher didn't even wait for Eloise to raise her hand and just let her have it.

"David Copperfield." she responded, pushing her notebook into her bag. She felt the Gilmore's eyes looking at her, so Eloise turned her head to her and the Gilmore gave her a weak smile. "Correct. He would turn to David Copperfield for inspiration. Great expectations, a tale of two cities, little dorrit, all major influences on Leo Tolstoy. Tomorrow...", his voice trailed as Eloise felt an intense stare from two sides. She looked at the Gilmore, a bit annoyed by all the staring and asked, "Do you need the notes or...?" 

Eloise never liked people who stared, she found it impolite. The new girl nodded her head and Eloise handed her sloppier notes that weren't really that sloppy, to Rory. She then turned her head to see Tristan, biting his pen and looking at Rory, talking with one of his friends. As soon as the bell rung, Eloise was the first one out of the classroom. Going to her locker and putting her flashcards and her notes down, watching as Paris stopped the new girl, she fixed her books, grabbing the next subject's notebook she needed and walked over to Paris and the new girl.

"Calm down Paris, we wouldn't want to scare the new girl, and let's not lie to her.", Eloise said turned to Paris then turning her focus to the new girl, she continued, "Hi, I'm Eloise, I'm the real editor for the Franklin and I happen to be the actual one on top of the class. And you are?" 

Paris rolled her eyes at my comment and the new girl smiled at Eloise and replied, "Oh, I'm Lorelai Gilmore, but you can call me Rory." 

Eloise nodded her head and said before looking down at a paper with a locker number on it, "I think, I'll stick to Lorelai, if you don't mind." Eloise placed herself beside the girl and looked at the locker numbers, "Well, look at that. Your locker is a locker away from mine."

Eloise pointed towards her locker and Rory nodded, and said, "Thank you, Eloise."

Eloise simply nodded her head before saying, "Welcome to Chilton, Gilmore." She walked away, almost like a strut, like a model walking down the runway but with less sway in the hips and amazing posture.

Tristan walked up to Eloise and put an arm over her shoulder before saying, "So we get to go to chemistry together, isn't that a treat?" Eloise continued to walk, a bunch of books in her hands and replied, "A treat for you, I'd rather go through chemistry without hearing snores from behind me or 'Do you know the answer to this one?'" Tristan chuckled and said, "Oh, come on, you know you love it."

Tristan took some of the books from her hand and they both came to a stop in the crowded hallway. "Do you have any space in that backpack of yours?" Tristan asks.

"No, but it's not a big deal, holding the books are like weight lifting, by the end of the school year, I'll be The Rock kind of strong."  Eloise said, in a playful tone. Tristan handed his backpack to Eloise and he unzipped it. Eloise looked at her watch and asked, "What are you doing, we only have 5 minutes to get to class."

Tristan slides her books into his bag and takes it from her. Eloise smiles slightly at what he did and whispers, "Thank you!"

Tristan narrowed his eyes and asked, "I'm sorry, what was that?" Eloise rolled her eyes and said, a little louder, "Thank you, Dugray." Tristan narrowed his eyes again and repeated, "I'm sorry, my ears are very fragile and pick up on any sound, so I'm having the hardest time hearing you."

Eloise then said in an inside voice, "Thank you, Tristan!" 

Tristan let a smile plaster his face, like a genuine one and said, "Anytime, Eloise."

Tristan didn't just say 'Anytime' to be polite, he meant it. Tristan always found it hard to be with one person but one thing he knew for sure is every time he kissed someone, every time he touched someone, he always thought of Eloise. He always thought of her being the person he was with, and if not automatically plastered across his mind, she would somehow creep into it.

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