BTTH : 15

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A man enters my cell and drags me out, we then entered a room where Frank was talking to someone. I was shocked to see who he was talking to.

" Calix ?! Let go of him Frank! Don't touch my brother please!  " There sit my little brother who was tied to a chair and he looked awful. He grew up to be a young man but he got into my mess.

" J-johnny? J-johnny hyung! " He said and as I watch him tried to escape from the ropes on him. But Frank just laughed as he grabbed something on his back pocket. He pointed the gun at my brother and I can see how his eyes widened in fear.

" No! don't shoot him! He has nothing to do with this! Frank please! It's all my fault! Please don't shoot him. My brother is out of this mess I made to you! " I said with a hint of nervousness.

" Hmm.. well you're actually right but isn't your little brother your biggest weakness? I think its better this way... " He said and get ready to pulled the trigger, he closed his eyes and wait for the trigger to be pulled but the door suddenly opened which causes me to breathe in relief and there stand a man.

"Stop! What are you doing to him? or to them I mean. " He asked and grabs his gun and pointed it to Frank instead. " Ha! I know you can't do this boy. Why don't you rest and I'll handle this instead. " Frank smirked at him. The unknown person looked at me in hesitation but then smirked.

" Maybe your right, Frank. I'll be staying in your office then." He said and puts his gun in his pants. He leaves the room and Frank smiled evilly.

He walks to the table,which I noticed before, I saw him put his gun down and gets a large knife. He played with it and started walked around my brother.

" Let's have fun shall we boy ? Enjoy the show Johhny. " Frank said as he played with the knife in his hold. He leaned against the table and gave his men a certain.

Two big men went up to my brother and restrain the ropes on him, they each hold his arms while Frank walks to the table and plays with the knife.

Frank stays in the table and jabs the knife in table. Another man went up to my brother and started throwing punches at him.

He groaned and spits the blood on the floor. They've been punching him everywhere for a minute now. Jaemin looked at me and gave me weak smile.

Frank claps his hands and walks around him and I can sense the nervousness of my brother. And I can't help but watch I can't even help because I was chained.

" Let the fun begin. " He said as he stabbed my brother in the abdomen, I gasped.  Jaemin was looking at him with a hint of anger and clenched his teeth in pain.

" Noooooooooooo! Calix! " I shouted and I tried to run to him but I couldn't due to the chains wrapped around my neck.

" You! Why are you doing this?!" I angrily said to him. He still didn't get the knife on him.  I watched how Frank twisted the knife in him which caused Jaemin to splutter blood on his mouth.

" Please! Stop! Please! JAEMIN! " I begged as I struggled against the chains that binded me. Frank stopped and smirked at me. He then ordered his men to unchain me and leaves the room.

The moment my chains are gone. I scrambled and ran directly to my brother who was now bleeding furiously. I untied the ropes around him and slowly lied him down in my lap.

"Calix? Hyung is here now.. Jaemin Calix open your eyes for me alright. " I said to him and he slowly moves a bit. " H-hyung ? " He mumbles while he groans in pain.

" Shh... Shhhh.... You will be fine.. I promise. I'm here now.  " I said to him and try to stopped the blood from gushing out of his abdomen wound.

He was about to speak but the door opened and I looked who it was. It was the guy who entered a while ago, in his hands was a first aid kit. He walked towards us and handed me the kit.

" I'm so sorry Jaemin .... " He said. " This is the only thing I found her, hope this helps. " He gave me a nod. He leaves the room in a hurry afterwards.

I hurriedly get the medicine and slowly cured my brother's wound. I began to stitch the wound close to which he groans in pain.

" I'm sorry. This would be over soon. Just endure it for now. " I apologized to him, pained to hear him in pain. I finished dressing his wound which was worst but at least it managed to lessen the pain and the blood pouring out.

Now, my brother was sleeping soundly on my lap. I caressed his face as a tear escaped my eyes. " It should be me who should be  stabbed Jaemin. I'm sorry if you have to go through this mess..... I'm sorry for leaving you too ... " I said as I continued staring at his sleeping figure, I then gave his forehead a kiss as I patted his cheeks.


We are still in the headquarters preparing for the ambush that will do in warehouse where Jaemin was abducted. " Are all the weapons ready ? " Renjun asked who was cleaning his gun. " Yes sir.. " all of us replied and he nodded his head.

A few minutes later, we finished preparing and now we've arrive at the hideout and scattered as we hide ourselves.

We checked the surroundings and I motioned each of them to split up, they nodded their heads and ran in opposite directions.

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