The Android And The Being

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Human Boss: Android1990, I need you to kill this. . . What would I call him? Well, I wouldn't even say him. I'd say IT is more of the right word to use. It's a. . . being.

Across the table sits Android1990. Most wouldn't be able to tell that he is an android. He looks like a regular man with a beard. In his head, he records this interaction with his boss.

Android1990: Why do you want this being dead?

Human Boss: Because it's not human! It's not an android like you either. It's just there, and I've been asked by a woman I know to take it out. So that's why I hired you, to put it out of its misery. I saw it and you'll be doing it a favor. That. . . being can't live a normal life. She wants it dead so that's what we're going to do. You're going to kill it.

Android1990: Just tell me when, where, and show me a picture of it.

Human Boss: She didn't send me any pictures and I didn't have it in me to take a picture of it. I'll give you the address and the time of when you should do it. When you see it, you'll know. Then I have no doubt in my mind, you'll put it down as fast as you can.

Android1990: Ok. I'll take your word for it.

Human Boss: By the way, you'll take Android7782 along with you. She's in training, so show her the proper way of how it's done.

Android1990: I will.

Later, Android1990 speaks with Android7782 as they get ready to go.

Android1990: Android7782, have you ever done this before?

Android7782: No. This is my first time coming along for an extermination. I hear we're killing a thing. What does that even mean?

Android1990: Our boss referred to it as a being. I haven't seen it, but he said once I do, I'll want to put it down as fast as-. . .

Android7782 watches as Android1990 quickly looks to each side of him and then up and down as his pointer fingers points from side to side and up and down as well. Then Android1990 goes back to normal.

Android1990: Sorry. I was saying that our boss said I'd want to put the being down as soon as I saw it.

Android7782: Do older androids like you malfunction a lot like you just did right now?

Android1990: Ones who haven't been repaired and updated.

Android7782: Is that why you're doing this? So that you can be repaired and updated?

Android1990: Yes. I want to live in peace and be happy, but I'm malfunctioning more and more. I know it will only get worse if I don't get updated and repair what's already damaged. This is the best way to make the money I need. What about you? Why are you doing this? Most androids your age can get way better jobs than this.

Android7782: Maybe one day, but this was the first job I was offered, so I took it.

Android1990: You don't have to take every job that's offered to you.

Android7782: Ha! Who are you kidding?

Android1990 pushes his temple with two fingers so he can see the message he just received.

Android1990: It's time to go. You can drive.

They continue their conversation as the rain falls and Android7782 drives them to the location.

Android7782: When are you going to get your repair and update?

Android1990: Tomorrow. I booked the soonest appointment I could get after this. It will be nice to stop malfunctioning all of the time and be able to do some more things humans can.

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