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The day had arrived for Mark to be taken back to Seoul. While Donghyuck preferred not to be around for too long, he couldn't help but watch as Mark was being taken away from him. This particular day's farewells would be said at Dr Han's office - the medical facility that had been treating Mark for the past two years.

"You're avoiding him."

Jisung had come to accompany Donghyuck in case of another mental breakdown. Mark sat off to the side on a bench, glancing around at his surroundings with big, curious eyes. Donghyuck smiled guiltily. "Is it obvious?"

"Wouldn't you want your last few moments with him to be... memorable?" Jisung asked, crossing his arms. "Who knows when you'll see him again? Don't avoid him."

"I... I don't want to say goodbye-"

"Mark will be more confused if you don't," Jisung pointed out. "You love him - right?"

"More than anything."

"Then make an effort, damn it. What you and Mark hyung have is... the bravest love. And a brave love is one to be protected. If you want him, take him."

Donghyuck turned to Mark and they made eye contact. Mark smiled. Donghyuck felt tears form in his eyes for the umpteenth time that day. He walked past Jisung straight towards Mark, kneeling in front of him. "M-Mark..."

"Why are you crying?"

Donghyuck quickly wiped his eyes, sniffling as he shook his head. "No, just... listen to me. You're going home today, and... we won't see each other for a long time. Okay? You got that?"


Donghyuck smiled slightly. "I'm going to miss you a lot, Mark. You were my best friend, and... I loved you. No - I love you. I will always love you. I want us to find one another one day, okay?"

Mark nodded almost firmly, tears in his eyes as well. "I don't want to get better without you, Dongie. I don't want to leave you..."

"I-I'll find a way, okay? One day, we will be able to see one another. I don't know when and I don't know how. I just hope that you remember me."

A black vehicle pulled up into the parking lot nearby and Donghyuck stepped away from Mark, quickly dusting off his pants and wiping his eyes. Mark looked up, clearly not recognising his parents' car. A woman stepped out, bursting out in tears as she rushed over to Mark, hugging him close to her chest.


"Oh my goodness, he remembers me!" She still sobbed, placing various kisses all over his head as she held him tightly. The man driving the car joined in, holding Mark closely. Mark eventually pieced together that it was his parents, and they had come to fetch him.

"We'll just go in to talk to Dr Han for a moment, okay?" Mrs Lee said, using her sleeve to get rid of the tears on her cheeks. Mark nodded and the couple went inside the medical facility, taking Mark's hand to guide him in as well.

Mark was confused for a moment until he saw Donghyuck and smiled brightly. "Hyuckie! Why are you so far away?"

"Oh, the caretaker," Mark's mother hummed, bowing politely in response to Donghyuck's sudden deep bow. "Thank you for caring for our boy for so long. I cannot imagine everything you had to go through for so long."

"Oh - oh, no, it's no problem, I'm glad to have been of service," Donghyuck smiled, trying to hide the broken look in his eyes. However, Mark's parents noticed and Donghyuck could only lower his head.

"Why don't you come inside with us, hm? Tell us how Mark has been doing," Mr Lee suggested, walking over to Donghyuck and gently tapping his shoulder with his palm. Donghyuck nodded, trudging behind Mark and his parents. He looked at Jisung, whom only showed him a thumbs-up before giving an encouraging wave.

"Ah, Mr and Mrs Lee, a pleasure to meet you after so long," Dr Han called out, greeting the two in a rather lively manner. Donghyuck felt odd being so emotional. Mark didn't seem well either, confused about the contrasting feelings on either side of him. "Donghyuck? You coming?"

Donghyuck tensed suddenly, a single tear falling down his cheek, but he quickly wiped it away. "I, uhm... I need a moment, I'm so sorry-"

"Oh, sweetheart," Mrs Lee hummed, gently pulling Donghyuck into a soft hug. "I know you and Mark have an exceptional friendship and you can't bear to see him go. It's okay to be emotional. Cry your heart out."

And he did.

Donghyuck sobbed against Mrs Lee's shoulder, finally allowing himself to break down. Mark wanted to intervene, but had no idea what was going on. With a confused glance at Dr Han, he clenched his fist helplessly. He had forgotten already. Donghyuck moved away from the woman, sighing as he wiped his eyes.

"I need a moment," Donghyuck muttered, attempting to leave the room, but Dr Han quickly stopped him. "What is it?"

"Just stay here until we... send Mark off," he suggested. Donghyuck looked over at Mark and nodded, seating himself down. The parents and Mark all sat down, and Dr Han followed. "Thank you two for agreeing to come in before... taking Mark away. I'm sure some of us will miss him dearly, but we need to talk about Mark's progress."

"Yes, yes," Mr Lee hummed, crossing his arms. "How has he been doing?"

"Mark has improved in some areas and faltered in others," Dr Han began. "His long-term memory improved, while his short-term got worse. He forgets some of us, push us away in confusion, but then he'd remember and get upset at himself. The... temporary schizophrenic behaviour has also gotten worse, which is why I'm glad he finally got approved for neurosurgery."

"As soon as the surgery is a success, we'll bring him right through," Mrs Lee said, clasping her hands together. "Donghyuck, we owe so, so much to you. Thank you so dearly for caring for our son. Is there anything else you need in life? We will do our best to provide you with it."

Donghyuck was quiet, finally meeting Mark's eyes. "Just... bring him back to me one day."

Mark smiled, nodding ever so gently in response. Dr Han's smile grew as well. "Donghyuck had quite an adventure helping Mark these past few years. They've become very close."

Mark was beaming as he nodded. "Yep. I love Donghyuck a lot. He's always there for me."

Mrs Lee laughed slightly. "If you love him so much, promise him you'll get better."

Donghyuck didn't need any promises — all he needed was for Mark to be safe after everything settled.

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