14. Betting Ben Holmes

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This was the first drenched evening in July

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This was the first drenched evening in July.

The downpour was heavy. The sky was screaming, spitting out lightning occasionally.

I sighed at the dark dawn and turned my blue Hercules to the right - another dingy alleyway.

"You sure this is the place?" I glanced at a silent Sawyer to my right.

He was sporting dark skin with a green lens, and a big mole on his left cheek.

Gone big and handsome for our mission tonight.

"Hundred percent. Now, turn left."

I rolled my eyes and did what he said.

This was the thousandth turn we had taken in the last twenty minutes.

Where the hell in Downtown was this guy taking me!

?Wait. Wait. That building. Yeah, that gray one on the right."

"Every building is gray here, Sawyer!"

"Not that one with the red neon. Stop!"

I pulled an abrupt brake, making us jerk forward at the impact.

Sending a sharp glare at Sawyer, I pushed the door and stepped out into the muddy ground.

The sweet smell of garbage was the first thing to welcome us there.

I scrunched my nose and stared up at the glaring red sign over our heads.

'Ben's Bar'

I frowned.

"Didn't the guy run a betting house?"

"It's just a cover-up, Doll." I flinched as warm air tickled my left ear.

Sawyer smirked wide when I glared at him.

"Don't do that again."

"Do what?"

That infuriating, stupid smirk!

I grumbled under my breath and walked to that shabby bar.

"By the way... You look great in black."

I halt on my steps and stared down my dark hands.

The insane amount of foundation I spent on my skin makes me shudder. Not to mention the waste of money since I would never use them again. I hoped.

"I was talking about your leather look, Doll. Never thought I'd see you in anything but dress."

Yeah, this jean jacket, red crop top with matching leather pants, and knee boots were rare for me. Not to mention the pin-straight, black wig in a ponytail sort of made me feel badass but I would never tell this prick.

"I hate it, anyway." I shrugged and walked fast.

"Even that cool black diamond version?"

I threw him a sharp glare over my left shoulder.

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