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Joe came back from one of his business trips on a very hot Friday afternoon. I was so excited to see him though he was away for only a space of three days.

"Hey honey, you are back, I really missed you" I said as I helped carry his small luggage.

"I know you have sweetie, I have missed you so much too"

"So why don't you go freshen up while I prepare the table for lunch. And guess what?, I made spaghetti, your favorite.

"I love you sweetie. Oh, before I forget, I got you something from my little trip." He said as he gave me a beautifully wrapped blue box which had beautiful flowery designs. When he handed the box over to me, I knew it would contain the usual expensive cloths and accessories."

"Another luxurious gift?, why do you keep buying me luxurious things honey, you know I already have enough."

"Well let's just say I want you to have more" Joe said as shoved my messed up hair away from my face.
"Why haven't you changed your hair yet honey?" he asked

"Well I have plans of doing so tomorrow"

"OK then, I would transfer you some money for that" he said as he headed upstairs.

"Baby, that would not be necessary you know, you have given me enough money already." I said following him upstairs with his luggage.

"I insist honey" he said as we entered the room.

I looked at him admirably, I knew I couldn't say anything else to change his mind so I just helped him unpack his from his luggage and hang them neatly in the wardrobe.
"I would be waiting for you downstairs for lunch, make sure you don't waste time" I said as I left the room.

"I won't honey!!" He said after I had already left the room. I heard it though and indeed I don't regret ever getting married to Joe apart from the missing people issues though. It had been exactly 3 weeks since Fiona went missing, he had promised to alert the police but ever since then we haven't talk about the issue.
Joe and I had just finished having lunch and I decided that it was time we talked about Fiona's case.

"So what did the police say about Fiona's case" I asked. Joe's mood immediately changed like I have said something really offensive.

"I have told you I am taking care of the matter, why don't you just let it go." He yelled.

"Why the hell are you yelling at me?" I asked not really understanding what exactly he was angry about. " I just asked about how the case of my missing house help is going and all of a sudden you become angry?, what exactly did I do wrong."

"The fact that you won't listen to me is what you did wrong. I have told you so many times that you should leave the case to me, so why can't you just listen to me and do so?"

"Maybe it is because I need answers to all that has been going on around here, I just think our lives may be in danger too if we don't find out what is going on as soon as possible."

"Don't worry Magdalene, as long as I am here, nothing would happen to you."

"This is not only about me Joe, it is about you too."

"Like I said earlier Magdalene, you have nothing to worry about."
Joe had given me his words and I think I would take it. I trust him, I guess!.
I wake up by 3 am in the morning to drink some water but Joe wasn't beside me. Maybe he had gone to work again I said to myself because where else could he be. After having about two glasses of water from the kitchen I decide to go back to sleep but just then, I realize that the basement door was wide open. I didn't leave the door open, so how come it was open I thought. Anyways I decided to go close it. Getting closer I also realized the light of the store room in the basement was on so I decided to go off the store room light before closing the basement door but as i got to the store room, there was great noise coming from the underground. I couldn't understand, it was sounds of music, people dancing, people yelling, people shouting and people crying. I couldn't understand, it all sounded like a slaughter party. I was so scared that I ran upstairs to the room as quick as I could but I just couldn't stop thinking about the sounds I heard. Was there really a underground party happening in this house???

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