Someone has a Crush!

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Miguel's POV:
As I looked at my schedule I read that I had English first so I made my way to 3rd floor which is tiring I walk into the classroom to see if I see any of my friends I see Tristan,mason and Brady they were talking to a girl then I looked at the girl they were talking to she looks oddly familiar from the side so I walk up and said

Miguel: hey Tristan,Brady,Mason

Mason:hey Mikey *does a handshake*

Tristan: sup my dude

Brady:hey Mikey

I look down to the girl who was looking at me she look's cu- WAIT IS THAT Y/N OH FOR GODS SAKE!!!! Well I guess I can try talking to her for once I could tell she was blushing when she noticed I was looking at her she looked away my face was also a little red
I should start off with something simple after all I haven't seen her all summer so

Miguel: hey..uh y/n how was your summer?

Y/n: it was uh..good? Wbu?

Miguel:it was great can I see your schedule?

Y/n:ok? Here

Miguel:thanks *I looked at the schedule and realized we had all and I mean every single class together

Miguel:well y/n looks like we got all classes together


Tristan:y/n calm down you should really start to get to know Miguel

Mason:plus you do have a lot more in common then you think

Brady: There right y/n

Y/n: Fi-

She was cut off by the teacher starting the lesson y/n took notes she also got pissed because the teacher gave them homework on the first day!

*//Fast forward to the last 5 min of class//*


Miguel: calm down man at least you didn't get an essay like last year

Brady:true but still! Ughhh what class do y'all have next?

All: MATH!

Y/n: what the fuck it's to early for that!

Miguel: exactly

Tristan: y/n u are gonna sit next to me I'ma need help

Y/n: okur bestie

Brady:I'll sit with mason

Miguel: what about me?

Y/n: bo ho Mikey doesn't have someone to sit with ha!

Miguel: shut up y/n


Mason:y'all stop

Both: Fine

*Bell rings*

-im sorry this chapter is short I have school

-ill update later like I promised

- if you have suggestions please let me know and I'll do it

-have a nice day y'all!!



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