You arive at Bennenburg castle. It isn't a long walk since it is in the woods on the outskirts of town. You both walk inside.
"So what do we do?" you ask Stephano.
"We need to make it to the last level of Bennenburg (you're name)." Stephano says.
As you walk, Stephano grabs your hand and holds hands with you. Your face starts to burn because you are blushing alot. After walking for hour after hour with only two brealks, you find a room. Problem is, that it is the only room around and that there is only one bed. When you see that there is only one bed, you start to blush. on the inside you are flipping out because you will be sleeping in the same bed as Stephano. Since it is dark out and your watch reads 10:00 pm, you imediatly climb into bed. Stephano climbs in after you. Since there is a full moon out the moonlight pours into the room.
"You look so beautiful in the moonlight." Stephano says.
His thick ascent makes you go MORE gaga for him. He whindes his fingers in your hair. You start to kiss again. Before you can expect it, althow you should because he is frendh and you are in france, he sneaks a french kiss. It blows your mind. Ever since your cousin Ally introduced you to PewDiePie and showed you who Stephano was, you havealways prayed at night that Stephano was real. You think that God heard your prayer.
You are still in a French kiss with Stephano. You are so happy that you coulld die! You take your arms, put them behind Stephano's neck and lightly grab some of his golden strands of hair. Stephano takes his arms and wraps his arms around my back. After awhile, you both stop, and put your head below his. You can feel the rise and fall of his chest. You think to yourself that this is romantic. You then drift off to sleep, still in Stephano's arms.