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1 week later...
In the morning
Today is Lincoln and Lucas's 12th birthday party

Lucas:"wakes up then yawns then wakes Lincoln"good morning linc
happy birthday

Lincoln:good morning bud
Is it me or is it really quiet

Lucas:"quiet"? In THIS apartment??

Lincoln:ya know what? I take it back

They get up from bed and then they open their door and then...


Lucas:oh my god!!

Lincoln:thanks guys

Ronda:no problem

The alasandro family(Ronda's family)knocks on the door

Ronda:and i have a surprise for you
"Opens the door"


Eleanor(Ronda's mom):happy birthday my little black and white angels "grabs their cheeks"

Henry,Martin,Walter:(Ronda's brothers):happy birthday

Maxwell,Myron:(martin's sons):happy birthday little cousins

Leni:ok ok ok we all know that today is Lucas and Lincoln's birthday but me and Carlota are going to change Lincoln and Lucas's look

Lucas:I always wanted a makeover I think I'm tired of only wearing leather jackets

Lincoln:and I want to try something else other than orange polos

Leni:we'll be back in a few hours

Leni,Lincoln and Lucas go with Carlota to get a makeover

Carlota:ya guys are going to get out of here from two handsome brothers to two handsome,hot and sexy brothers

Leni cuts Lincoln and Lucas's hair while Carlota picks out their outfit
Then they head back to the Malcolm apartment

Leni and Carlota go in the apartment first to present Lucas and Lincoln with their new look

Carlota:ladies and gentlemen We present to you the legendary sons of Jackson Malcolm:...


Lincoln wears an orange polo but with colar up with a leather vest Lucas wears a hooded jeans jacket with black shirt

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Lincoln wears an orange polo but with colar up with a leather vest
Lucas wears a hooded jeans jacket with black shirt

Ronnie Anne and Sid:ba ba ba ba...

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