She Shines Brighter than the Stars

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Flower and Ruby stargaze together on a grassy hill. They glance up at the stars, but Ruby can't take her eyes off Flower thinking about how pretty she is. She's beautiful tonight in all of her glory.

"Do you have any idea how it feels to be different?" Flower asks quietly. Ruby snaps out of her trance before shaking her head. "I don't know what that means."

"No, I guess not. But do you ever feel like you don't deserve to be where you are now?"
Ruby nods slowly.

"I do," Flower says. "There were days when I didn't even want to get out of bed because I knew I'd only get shunned for being different. There was one time in particular though—a few months ago in fact—that really got me down. All day long, I felt like everyone was staring at me as if they hated me because of how I acted back during BFDI. I just want to be able to prove how I've changed. And that's why I've been trying so hard—to make sure people understand who I am."

"You're doing great!" Ruby tells her. "I know because I see you every single day. You're not the same person as you were back then. You're nicer for one, you making it to the final 14 proves that! You're not a bad person, Flower, you've just made mistakes a long time ago."

Ruby reaches over and takes Flower's hand in hers. Their eyes meet. Ruby smiles brightly at her, and Flower quickly looks away. Her face reddens with embarrassment.

"T-thanks Ruby, I really needed to hear that,"
Ruby switched her gaze from Flower to the night sky, her eyes sparkled seeing how bright the stars were. When Ruby wasn't looking Flower stared at their intertwined fingers, in that moment the only thing on her mind was Ruby. She looked up at the gem, the light from the stars reflected onto her causing her to twinkle brightly in the night. As ruby got brighter so did Flower as she gazed at her with pure love and awe.

Flower blushed even more as Ruby turned around and caught her staring. She jumped from the sudden movement. Ruby just smiled softly and giggled. It was times like these that she wished they were closer. They could share more than just words. The thought brought a smile to her lips, and she couldn't help but wonder if Ruby felt the same way.

Flower suddenly let go of Ruby's hand, her face red from embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I'll stop staring, I promise."

"It's okay," Ruby said softly. "I like it when you look at me."

Flower smiled shyly. "Me too."

Ruby offered her hand and Flower took it. Intertwining their fingers once again.

The moon full and bright, gazed down upon them. Watching as they pointed out stars together. Flower knew that things would be alright from now on, as long as she had Ruby with her.

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