A good heir

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After a long years past, when adam and princess cyndera have their first born child, they named him arthur. After a months passed they have their second son named andrew and after again months have passed they have their youngest child named charles. Adam and cyndera are very happy for having a three sons.

For years that passed, the king was old, ill and dying. Princess cyndera was sad, the king then said, "my daughter my life is too short enough and I can't handle this kingdom anymore, I want you and adam would be the next ruler of this kingdom." the king has a ceremony to give his throne to her daughter and finally king adam and quenn cyndera are the next ruler of the kingdom. The king died and   her daughter queen cyndera was crying all day long, king adam the next ruler is tring to pleased queen cyndera. After days had passed the are trying to move on and live their life as a royal ruler. 

King adam and queen cyndera are busy caring for their children and taking good care of their kingdom. their children are having fun playing and treated as a royal blood. The three children has their own hobbies and personality, their first born son, arthur is having fun and he is good in archery while their second son prince andrew is good in horse riding and their youngest among three is prince charles who is good in caring and loving animals.

King adam and queen cyndera are loved by their people because they are a good ruler and leader for their kingdom.

Those three children are loved by their mother and father together with the people of their kingdom for they are a good and kind. they also loved each other, giving patience and honesty.

when they grew up they both enhance and improve their skills. 

After a long years had passed, king adam and princess cyndera are having a very hard decision in choosing the right and kind-hearted ruler of their kingdom among their three beloved sons. 

One day, one of their loyal servant in their kingdom said that they  will ask each of their son for what kind of bird if they transform and why.

First they asked their first born son, prince arthur, king adam and queen cyndera said, "son if you ever transform into a bird, what kind of bird are you?", the boy replied, " mother and father, I would like to be a hawk- a bird which is brave and strong and a bird of war.

The next day, the king and queen called their second son prince andrew and asked, "son if you are going to changed into a bird, what bird would you like to be?", the boy then replied, " mother and father, I would like to be an eagle, King of the birds and feared by all birds."

Then the king and queen called their youngest son, prince charles and asked, " son if  you were to be changed to a bird, what kind of a bird would you like to be?", the prince replied, " mother and father, I would like to be a starling- a plain and common bird but kind and good. It is a bird that does not seek to harm others. It does not make others tremble with fear when they see it."

After this, king adam and queen cyndera smiled and have their choice, they said that, " this is our answer, he is the ideal heir to the throne, a ruler that knows how to be kind and just to people, a good role model that would inspire love to his subjects and not fear. while prince arthur and prince andrew both seek for power and ambition to rule."

Not long afterwards, the youngest prince named prince charles was chosen by king adam and queen cyndera as their heir, like them which is loved by his people because he ruled wisely and well.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2013 ⏰

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