Chapter 21 ~ Loose

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Last night... I had let myself fall. My walls come tumbling down not on my accord. I had failed myself I thought. By letting my guard down.

But when I went to sleep... I felt as though I didn't fail? I wasn't a failure anymore. Grey made me feel like I wasn't a failure. With his words. With the comfort he provided.

I kept repeating how much I didn't deserve, yet he told me how what I deserve... is more than the world, more than he can give me.

When I had let him hold me last night, I thought back to when he held me in the hotel room for the first time. And maybe that's why I felt like I could put my walls down. Because Grey had proven that he could hold me... and I wouldn't fall.

I sit up in bed as I awake from a slumber that not only made me sleep well all night, but one that made me feel less tired than I had been.

I rub my tired eyes as I look around noticing this is most definitely not Rory's room. It wouldn't be Greys brothers room either because I would assume that room would be completely empty.

When I realize I'm in Greys room, I look around. All the hockey trophies he must have won in school. The several sheets of paper indicate his nursing school. I get out of bed and run my hand over his desk.

A picture of him and his family. I can tell Grey is the one on the right because of his big ear mark. He is holding a water gun and posing, his brother is also holding one while Rory cries in her dad's arms.

I find myself smiling at the picture, but frowning when my mind drifts all the way to where I don't want it to go. I put the picture down and take a deep breath. Seeing my suitcase in here I decide to change and get ready for the day.

When I'm done, I'm too scared to go downstairs and face Greys parents on my own so I sit on Grey's bed and wait for him to come to me.

I got a ding on my phone and saw I got a text from Mayella who had her number as well as all the girls' numbers in my contacts in case I ever needed help.

Mayella: "Hey girl! Rise and shine! Me and the girls are heading into town for some fun/ I thought of you and thought you could join us :) let me know!"

I smile at the text. Never in my life have I ever got a text that stated someone wanted to hang out with me. I look over the text and decide to respond.

"Hey, I would be happy to join you girls."

Yeah that should be good.

A minute later I got a response.

"Perfect! I will pick you up in about 30 mins?"

"Sounds good."

I put my phone down as the door to the room opens. Grey comes in dressed in sweats and a shirt. He gives me a smile and sits next to me. "Sleep well?" I nod at him and we sit in silence.

"I- your sister is picking me up in a couple minutes to go hang out... I thought you should know." I say almost as a whisper. I turn my head and look at him to see him smiling.

"That's great Pres." I noticed him moving closer to me. "But if at any time you want to come back, let me know." I don't say anything. My eyes are caught in his as I look at him for a while. His eyes drew me in.

"Yeah- yeah, that sounds good." Did I just stutter? He lets out a low chuckle and stands up. "I'll see you later." He says and leaves the room. My tummy fills with butterflies when my gaze travels to his back that you can still see through his shirt.

I shake my head and stand up. Seeing a car parked outside, I grab my bag and phone and head downstairs. I catch Greys mom sitting in the living room reading while I open the door. She looks at me and gives me a smile.

I just give her a nod and smile and head out the door. Making my way to the car, I see Mayella and my tight smile turns into a real one. "Hey May." I get in the front seat. "Hey Pres! So me and the girls were thinking about the bar? We need to let loose after having all these kids and now that the dads are not busy, we have an excuse." She winks at me and pulls out of the driveway.

"I can do that." I smile and lean back, watching out the window. I've never been to a bar around lunchtime, in fact I've never been to one at all. Never had a reason to.

We drive for a little while and we pull up to this cute bar. Once we park we are greeted by Rory and Willow who have also just arrived.

"Hey Pres!" Rory comes over to me and gives me a big hug that I try to return. After saying our greetings, we head inside and Mayella finds us a booth in the corner so we go and sit down while she orders us drinks.

I get settled in, Rory sitting next to me. "So Pres, how did you and Grey come to be friends? He never told me anything other than how you guys met at the hospital, do you work there?"

I sigh in relief when she doesn't know the real reason. "Uh no I don't work there, I was just walking around at that time and needed some help, he drove me to get food and ever since we have been close." Closer than you think. It's only the half truth but oh well.

"That's sweet of him, I know if he could he would pick up every single person on the planet and feed them." Willow interrupts and we all let out a chuckle. Mayella comes back with drinks and once she sets them down she looks at me.

"Are you and Grey exclusive? Dating? Seeing where it goes?" I don't know how to respond. I want to say yes, to claim him as mine. But if he were here I know he would say no. So I shake my head. "Just friends."

"Well, the bartender saw us walk in here and he said you were cute... He wants to know if you are available." My eyes widen at this piece of information. I look to the bar and see the handsome man, tall, dark hair, dark eyes, he has a black shirt on and half his chest exposed.

I swallow as I think about everything that I could possibly think about. But nothing. So I stand. "I'll be right back." Maybe it was time to let loose?

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