nothing but static on the radio

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Author's Note: I have now read SSPX! I have been disappointed by the lack of Trixie! I am fixing it! Enjoy!

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Trixie couldn't be sure when she first became aware that her family had secrets.

One the one hand, she knew that there couldn't have been a time when she was a toddler and was so aware of everything that she just knew, but on the other hand she didn't have a single memory that wasn't filled with some kind of something indescribable.

Not like a physical barrier, really. She could remember everything just fine. It was more like static. Like a radio you just couldn't get to hit the right station. Something so loud, yet something that could just so easily fade into the background if you weren't paying attention to it.

(Or maybe that was because it was easier to ignore it. To pretend like there weren't even secrets to begin with. Because the thought that everything was in on a secret she just couldn't quite grasp? She hated it.)

(Better to just pretend it wasn't there).

But at any rate, when she'd gone to see Ben in the hospital that day in April, she wasn't even thinking about the static that much more than normal. She'd just been nosy about her sister's love life. She'd wanted to know a little more about the guy. Scope him out, make sure he wasn't going to break Erica's heart, that sort of thing.

Besides, she'd been incredibly and indescribably bored.

She'd been able to gather a good bit of data on Ben after trailing Dad to the hospital. They had a perfectly pleasant conversation where she found out that Erica wasn't treating Trixie like some big embarrassing family secret (which felt way better than she would willingly admit), but before she could get any concrete details out of him, his friend came busting into the room.

And she could have left right away. But something was nagging her. Something about Ben being in the hospital with bruised ribs and a shoulder sprain (she'd seen his chart by the bed) (those weren't normal injuries that people just, like, got). Something about the way his friend burst into the room talking about how he had massive news, and then brushed it off like it was nothing.

So she lingered outside the hospital door. Eavesdropping. Far away enough that they couldn't see her, but close enough that she could hear every word.

And they started talking about something and how they'd found evidence that a guy they knew was in Antarctica maybe and how this was a big deal. Clearly, they were working for someone.

And then it hit her, the static raring into the foreground, louder than it had ever been.

These nerds knew more about her family secrets than she did, probably.

And she was so over ignoring the static.

So she busted back into the room, knowing that she probably looked silly but not caring, and said, "Who are you working for?"

They tried to deny it. Of course they did. You didn't get into something a secret from your own flesh and blood if it was just the sort of thing you could share with strangers off the street.

But she knew they were full of crap. She told them such in as many words.

And maybe she'd learned a thing or two from Erica.

And whatever it was that got them started, they started talking.

And when they did, the static finally (finally) turned into song.

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Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a comment! Or come yell at me on I love it when people interact with me! Have a lovely day and I hope to hear from you soon!

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