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~ Elise ~

I tensed up on his lap as my brain began to process what he just said.  I rested my head against his and nodded silently while i closed my eyes. I felt his hands snake around her waist and rub my back in comfort.

"It’s not a painless process" He said stroking my hair

I looked at him hesitantly. I wouldn't admit it to him, but a part of me felt happy and I was looking forward to spending an eternity with Vincent

"I have to give you the changing bite” He said

"Then what?"  I asked with a slight tremble in my voice, he kissed my forehead

"Then... we mate" He says hesitantly

"Afterwards... you won't be able to speak, your body will go in a comma and eventually your heart will stop beating; after you wake up we will be one."

Gasping I fought against his hold, tears pricking my eyes

"No, let me go!" I yelled trashing violently in his arms

"Listen!" He yelled at me, making me look into his eyes gasping when I realized they had changed and were black again

"W-what if I don't?" I asked

"Don't what..?" He asked

"Don't... um want to change? I asked him with a glint of hope in my eyes

His grip on my waist tighten, instantly he shot me a death glare

"Ow! Vincent y-you're hurting me “I cried

"Don't.Ever.Say.That.Again" He growled at me his breath fanning my face

"W-hat? What will happen?" I asked beyond confused; it couldn't be that bad right?

"You Will Die!" he growled at me looking furious

"O" was the only word that could escape my lips

"You're Mine Elise" He growled

"Vincent. I . Am. My. Own. Person"

"You do not own- m" I stopped mid-sentence noticing the feral gleam in his cloudy eyes

I shuddered in pleasure as he brought his face near my ear

"Elise, you think after waiting so long for you, not being able to touch you.... he trailed and i felt his teeth nip my earlobe

I gasped as another shudder left my body

 "... I would let you die?" He chuckled darkly

"B-but" I said

"There's no place for argument" he said his face serious

Seeing that I had lost this battle I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder, he whispered apologies and rubbed my back lying kisses on my neck and my shoulder

"I'm sorry my love it has to be done... I.Wil.Not.Let.You.Die" He whispered in a guilt ridden voice

I said nothing and clutched to him tighter


Hey lovelies!

Very emotional chapter right? :)

I kept my end of the deal, you know the drill

Vote, Comment & share

Till next Saturday!

P.S looking for a co-author. Msg me if you are interested

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