Chapter 6: Boring Days are Over

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Asari Ichiro POV

It's currently the second day of school. After fixing my mood on those upperclassmen, I currently have 1,374,029 points. And the three on them became my pawns, well they will just be disposed later anyways. Two of the second years will be a information bank for the second year and the leader, a third year will do so in the third years as well.

In a war, information is always important. And my ambition of controlling the school in the shadows will take a long time, but it will be worth it. Though I can just control the school by applying to the student council, which I am very confident in getting in. But that would be troublesome, too much attention on me irritates me. Just like Kiyone, I too like to stay in the sidelines, the shadows to be exact. Manipulating everyone to my benefit, for the sake of my own gain.

Though I don't know if Kiyone thinks the same, she might just be a slightly smart girl who doesn't want attention, that was my first impression on her. But the mystery surrounding her keeps on piling up, gaining more of my interest on her even more.

My plan of controlling the school in the shadows will have to wait for a year, the current student council is quite capable, I'm surprised. The student council president, Horikita Manabu, he was a perfect role model for all the students in the campus. He is a leader that anyone is willingly to follow, which made me respect him quite a bit.

But hearing the words of my pawns about someone in the student council made me cringe, what an annoying bug I have to repel, it was the student council vice president, Nagumo Miyabi. With the information my pawns gave me, overexaggerating him as a ruthless individual and might be able to take care of me, well they didn't say that loudly but I can tell that they are thinking about it.

But Nagumo Miyabi is far from being able to destroy me, in a sense of authority he can but that will slowly diminish in time, on the other aspects he is a mere bug. His character is just a typical villain in an anime where the main character with the power of friendship just obliterates him. 

Though I must lightly praise him gaining authority by using underhanded means, but without authority of the student council he will just be an average Class A student, and knowing that he enrolled in this school as a Class B student added another point to my theory about the S-System, but I'm confident I already figured it out most.

Removing him this early on would be a huge advantage in the future but, that won't be fun would it? I will continue observing in the shadows, and when my interest on him disappear, then that's when I will destroy him, just like how I do to others that gain my interest as well.

But I wonder, will you be able to maintain my interest for a long time, that I would contemplate on destroying you or not, Ayanokoji Kiyone?


Time passed and slowly it was near the end of the month, students in Class C are saving up their points by the command of Ryuuen. Most are behaving while in class but during the first and second week of the month students of Class C try to overthrow Ryuuen as a leader, but as I expected they fail miserably, and the fight was caught camera in the classroom so I think we will get a demerit because of it. But it's worth it in exchange of Ryuuen having more control in the class.

Nothing noteworthy happened that much, with the same routine of waking up, exercise, eat breakfast, take a bath and go to class on repeat. I hang out with Hiyori, on the library, reading books with her. It was a fun time with her and so is reading the books as well, humans really have interesting minds.

I also hang out with Kiyone, but not as much with her alone. She was mostly surrounded by girls and boys of Class D, though every time I talk with her all the boys started glaring at me. What did I do wrong? I could have just glared at them back and they will be having nightmares in their sleep but I got stopped by Kiyone who tugged my sleeve, do women have the ability to read minds? Scary.

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