Prologue - Before Discovery

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-1 week ago-

He did not know why he kept continuing this crazy thought, but he did. Every second he would think how he could find more proof, if it's even real, and if it is, why is it hidden. He kept looking upon his never ending night sky through all the stars looking for it like looking for a pen on his desk, but it was not easily found. Here he had no land, no oceans, no sense of truth. It was like this way to everyone else, every human that is left to stay living.

Through all of this obsession he knew he would had been found with the info and knew that it was hidden on purpose ,and he would soon be punished for moving forward. He still goes on hiding the information in the spine of a book and hoped to be found by his son. He sat and thought of all that he'd done. The thought of the rebellion, his son, and his work, this brave engineer would surely die today in some kind of accident. A soldier walks through the door worried for him. "John. I cant help you this time." says the soldier. John opens his eyes and looks at the soldier. "Isaiah, I know. I pushed the limit and now who knows what will happen, they may kill me or they may tell me to shut my mouth." "But, again?" asks Isaiah. "I don't know!!" John angrily yells. " I don't know what will happen to me. Isaiah I want you to make sure the rebellion stays and it continues it's research. That It finds PH#3. You make sure my son is with you because in this structure floating in this void of space, this synthetic home, everything is going to go crazy and I need him to be the first one out!" "I will John ,but-" John grabs the book with the information of PH#3 and puts it in Isaiah's hands. " give this to James and he will find everything we know and he will find his way in the rebellion, and I want you to make sure of that." " I promise" Isaiah responds. Then John walked away to knowing that he had fulfilled his purpose, knowing that his son was safe. For the rest of the day, or for the rest of his life he thought of his son. This was a week ago, but today is different. Today is the Beginning of discovery. Today it all falls down...

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