Overwhelming feelings

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Jungkook took Jimins hand placing it on his length his larger hand covering it. Pumping himself Jungkook groaned," I like to be sucked, do you want to try?"
Jimin nodded, Jungkook lay back and Jimin slid down the others body. He gently placed his lips over the tip tasting the precum, licking across the slit before taking more in.
"Oh fuck ," Jungkook said, jimin immediately pulled off," did I hurt you?"
"Hell no, your mouth is good Jimin do it more."
Jimin sucked in the length gagging as it hit the back of his throat, he swirled his tongue around it encouraged by Jungkook hands in his hair pulling him onto him.
"Fuck your good at this," jungkook started rocking his hips trying not to go too hard, flicking the end with his tongue Jimin felt the length harden even more," shit I'm gonna ........"
Hot spurts shot down Jimins throat.
"Aaaaaaaaah fuck!!" Jungkook moaned.
Jimin swallowed it down letting go of Jungkook with a pop.
He looked at Jungkook lying there sweat rolling from him making him glisten, his chest heaving.
"A-are you ok?"
Jungkook looked up at the small Angel hovering above him worriedly. His eyes turned darker and he rolled Jimin onto his back.
"Your turn," he growled.
He kissed Jimin hard tasting himself in the others mouth.Jimins hands rested in the others shoulders feeling Jungkooks body pressing against him, little shocks of pleasure ran through him as Jungkook kissed down his body, his larger hands pushed Jimins legs open displaying his needy dick and the puckered hole lower , Jungkook leaned over to a drawer withdrawing something and placing it nearby while he lowered his head. Jimin thought he was going to lick his dick but he went lower lapping against his tight puckered hole his tongue rimming it. Jimin gasped at this new sensation.Jungkook then licked his balls and up his length engulfing him and tasting the salty precum .
"Oooooh!" Jimin moaned in pleasure as the other sucked and lapped his length.
While Jimin was distracted Jungkook flipped the lid of the bottle he'd placed nearby squeezing it into his fingers. Jimin suddenly felt an intrusion pushing inside him.
Jungkook lifted his head," relax don't fight it, I have to prep you ok?"
Jimin nodded, he soon felt himself grip into the finger inside him as Jungkook took in his length again, another finger was added scissoring inside him, Jungkooks tongue on him distracted him he felt his stomach coil up in wait for something soon Jungkook had three fingers inside him and he angled them so that suddenly they were being pumped against the sensitive bundle of nerves inside, that and the hard licking and sucking on his length had Jimin writhing in pleasure.
"Oh ...it's what's happening, ah! Right there Kookie more.., oh god!"
Jimin felt an overwhelming rush and he came in Jungkooks throat his hips lifting up in pleasure.
Jungkook kept up pumping his tight hole which was clenching on his fingers as he came. Jungkook sucked him dry taking his mouth off and looking at the others flushed face , his plump lips he was biting as the pleasure kept on.
Withdrawing his fingers brought a little mewl from Jimins mouth. Jungkook rubbed some lube over his already hardened duck and placed himself at Jimins entrance pushing in. Jimins closed eyes opened in shock and he gasped at the large intrusion.
"Ah Kookie it hurts"
"I'm sorry your so tight but the pain will go but relax into ok, I'm going to go deeper,"
He saw the scared look in Jimins eyes and leaned down to his mouth kissing him deeply. He held Jimins hands down on the mattress then pushed in deeply sinking himself deeply inside taking Jimins cry of pain into his mouth as he kissed him.
"That's it, I'm in tell me when I can move ok, I'm going to hear you scream my name in pleasure ok ?"
He peppered Jimins face and neck with kisses which had the smaller male relaxing and pushing his body up against the others hardness.
"Mmmm,more Kookie," he moaned.
Jungkook pulled back then thrust deeply , "ah his Jimin I won't last long your so tight around me."
"Deeper Kookie....," Jimin moaned.
Jungkook hooked Jimins legs around him as he began thrusting deeper and faster, hitting the bundle of nerves that gave such pleasure.
Jimin was a moaning mess beneath him, looking down at him he thought he'd never seen anything so breathtaking. Jimin bit his bottom lip in pleasure as he felt Jungkooks hardness fucking him. His own dick was again hard rubbing between their bodies..
Sensations built up Jungkook was determined to make the other come before he released .
"Faster Kookie..., oh ...., oh aaaaaargh!" Jimin sent white spurts between their bodies, pleasure beyond anything he'd ever felt rising through him, his hole clenched around Jungkook as he got so sensitive to his movements.
"That's it baby, god your good you take me so well and now it's my turn, he ramped up his thrusts faster and deeper until,
"Fuuuuuuck....., aaaaaaagh hell yes!!!"
He came so hard he felt lightheaded, never before had it been so good. Jimin squeezed him dry. He pulled out shakily flopping to the side of Jimin who barely moved , the pleasure overwhelmed them both , and now Jimin was tired.
"Are you ok Jimin?"
"Good, you were amazing, your gonna feel sore later but that's normal ok?"
Jungkook turned to see the other soundly asleep , he smiled then got up fetching a damp cloth he cleaned off the cum on Jimins stomach and gently cleaned his dripping abused hole. Jimin didn't stir once. Jungkook went and washed then came back to lay next to Jimin pulling the sheet over them both .Jimin turned in his sleep sprawling across him his head in the crook of Jungkooks throat.
Jungkook never usually slept with those he bedded but he felt comfortable with Jimin on him .
"Kookie...." Jimin mumbled in his sleep, the simple word bringing a protective feeling in Jungkook for the other. He wasn't used to caring about another's feelings or well being so the sensation was new to him. Wrapping an arm around the other to keep him close he drifted off into a much needed sleep.
Hours later Jimin woke he realised where he was straight away he tried to move and became aware of aches in his lower back.
Jungkook didn't stir as he literally slid off the bed crawling on all fours to a chair he pulled himself up on.
He was ashamed of himself he had literally forced himself on the other begging him for sex what must he think of him?
He slowly picked his clothes up from the floor making his way out to his room. He ran a bath sinking into it loving how it soothed him. After washing he carefully got out and dressed. He got his case and packed his belongings leaving it in his room as he made his way slowly downstairs.
He found painkillers in a cupboard and took some. It was still early in the morning, Jimin felt exhausted already, maybe if he sat for a bit he'd feel rested? Putting his head back he closed his eyes, he'd thank Jungkook for having him then go it was only fair he thought.

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