Bring me home Shaw.

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It was a warm evening following the Peaches' move into their shared home for the season. The majority of the girls had headed back to the bar they'd been in numerous nights before, leaving Carson and Greta in their respective rooms, both opting to skip the outing. Greta had been going over some potential drills to pitch to Carson to coach in training ahead of the Peaches' next game when she heard it. First, it was just a low groan. Greta thought nothing of it though - the bedroom walls after all, bordered with each other, so she often got to enjoy the sounds of conversations and laughter coming from her fellow teammates' rooms...

She was then jolted from her reading by what was definitely a guttural moan (She would know). And then, another one but this time a bit louder, "Was that my name she just said?" She thought to herself.

Oh my God.

And then she heard her name again, muffled, breathier, almost embarrassed.


She grinned. Dropping her pencil with a clatter as she stood up, almost skipping out of her room in her high waisted red trousers and crop top combo, her shiny locks curled perfectly cascading over her shoulder and her lips bitten red from a mixture of chewing on them in concentration and the signature red lipstick she rocked. She knew she'd made an impression on Carson but she didn't know that this is how much she'd invaded the cute, shorter woman's thoughts...

She reigned in her cheerful giggles and wide smile as she arrrived at Carson's room. Wasting no time she knocked softly on the door, clearing her throat in the process.

Hearing a scuffle and then an annoyed cry as well as a few whispered shits and fucks - She bit the inside of her cheek, imagining all of the possible scenarios - and then the short, beautiful brunette whom she had kissed on that first night on the town flung her door open and stared at her, flushed and out of breath, visibly trying to stop herself from panting.

She was in her floral dress and as far as Greta could know or hope... nothing else.


"You okay there Shaw?" she teased, openly looking her up and down, lingering on what she could see of her sweet smooth legs, drifting up and staring hungrily at her neck, the freckle she had scoped out and wanted immediately, while Carson tried to collect herself.

A long moment after she asked, Carson groaned in realisation, flushing even deeper all the way from her cheeks to her collarbones. Greta imagined it went all the way down her chest like that, and kept grinning at her filthily.

"You - heard - I mean it's not what you thi..." she cut herself off mid stutter when Greta took a step forward into her personal space and gave her the signature Greta wink.

"Are you sure it isn't what I think?" Greta asked, teasing, her voice rasped with want, "Hmm. That's a shame. Because I kind of wanted it to be."

She took another step forward and leaned against the doorframe slightly so she was closer to Carson's height, eyes zeroing in on her lips, hoping, praying - thanking God when Carson surged forward and kissed her. It was the one first move she was going to allow her, taking the opportunity to place her hands onto Carson's hips, pressing herself against her lithe form and backing her into the room closing and locking the door behind them.

"That's not the first time I've heard you touching yourself," she whispered into her neck, trying to cover up the shakiness in her breathing, already so turned on by the prospect of unraveling her,
"But it's the first time I've heard my name. Is it the first time you said it?" Greta nipped at the soft skin just beneath Carson's ear and she keened, high and breathy, "N-no! Greta, I w, I want -"

"Tell me what you want, Carson... it's okay to want things" she prompted, her hands wandering low to grab the shorter woman's ass, backing them both up into the bed as she continued to kiss her neck, breathing in the sweet perfume of Shaw.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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