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"I'm sorry Thomas...," I whispered, shuddering on the other side of the door. Tears had stopped falling down my cheeks, and were now stained. 

"Y/N," Thomas called out. I could hear the drunkenness in his sluggish voice. "Open the door,". 

"I'm sorry Tommy. I'm tired, look after yourself," I called out, walking out into the depths of the frosty night carrying a shoulder-strap duffle bag. I go down to the bus stop and wait for the bus. My heart aches like crazy, but I stand tall. Thomas even said it himself. I needed to leave. I was only making matters worse. The bus arrived and I hopped on, it would take me to the airport. I look down to my phone and see it going off from all the Text messages from Thomas. Most in bad spelling. My thumbs hesitate over the keys but I eventually type out a short but meaningful message. 

"I'm sorry Thomas. I was terrible and I made matters worse. I was so selfish to think that you wouldn't have time for me. I'm sorry for all the arguments and pain I caused. I had to leave. I hope the rest of all the your upcoming movie shoots go well, Good-Bye Tommy." I felt sick but I shook my head. I made this decision, I made the conscious decision to break-up with the Thomas Brodie Sangster. After about an hour the bus finally arrives at the airport. I have booked a flight for midnight and it's currently 11:30pm. I shuffle through the empty place, going through customs and finally sit down in my seat on the plane. I was catching a flight back home to America, where my parents lived. I checked my phone again and see that Thomas has sent me more messages of concern. I can tell he's sobered up because of how much the spelling has improved. Feeling like shit, I take a deep breath and look out the window to the lit up run-way. 

--Half a year later--

I sit down on a bench in the park across from my new apartment. It's been 6 months since I left Thomas. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him. I looked down to the sheet of music and lyrics down on my thighs. I got a job of making music and now I did minor gigs now and then. 

I placed my guitar in my hands and began to strum the soft chords to my new song I was working on. 

I've been holding my breath
I've been counting to ten
Over something you said
I've been holding back tears
While you're throwing back beers
I'm alone in bed

You know I, I'm afraid of change
Guess that's why we stay the same

So tell me to leave
I'll pack my bags, get on the road
Find someone that loves you
Better than I do, darling, I know

'Cause you remind me every day
I'm not enough, but I still stay

Feels like a lifetime
Just trying to get by while we're dying inside
I've done a lot of things wrong
Loving you being one
But I can't move on

You know I, I'm afraid of change
Guess that's why we stay the same

So tell me to leave

I'll pack my bags, get on the road
Find someone that loves you
Better than I do, darling, I know

'Cause you remind me every day
I'm not enough, but I still stay

If you want me to leave
Then tell me to leave and baby I'll go

You remind me every day
I'm not enough, but I still stay

I felt faint at the end. It was the first song I had ever sung and written about the break-up. You'd think that it wouldn't effect you very much, but it sort of does when you go from being a nobody to suddenly famous because you dated a much loved actor then back to being a nobody again. Sure I got the odd occasional "Didn't you date what's his face? Thomas Brodie Sangster? Whatever happened to that?". It was annoying at first but then I learnt to just nod and say yes before walking away, finishing the short conversation. Otherwise I got left alone, forgotten even. I began to sort through all my sheets when I look up and see a figure that I did not want to see. There sitting on a bench from across the park, opposite me, was Thomas staring right at me. I quickly look back down gather all my things and begin to hurriedly walk away. 

"No!" I thought intensely to myself. "This can't be happening,".

"Y/N!" Thomas called out. Despite screaming at myself to keep walking, I froze. I don't turn back. I just stood there like a statue. Dead still, Unmoving. My heart felt like launching out of my chest when I heard Thomas's foot steps running up to me. Finally my legs start moving again. "Please! Wait up!" he pleads. Then I turn back to him. My mouth set in a firm line but my eyes filled with dread and sorrow. 

"Thomas-...," I managed to whisper. Next thing I know I'm engulfed by Thomas hugging me. His taller lean build, slightly picking me off the ground, not by much though. I suddenly feel a wet patch on my shoulder then I realize Thomas is crying. Feeling like I had no other choice, I rub his back and whisper some soothing things into his ear, like the old times. Thomas finally pulled away. He looked a mess. Bags under his eyes, scruffy hair and a faint stubble. 

"Why did you leave me...?" He sniffed. I felt my eyes prick with tears. 

"I'm sorry Tommy. Things felt shit to me. So I decided to leave hoping to make things better," I managed to choke.

"But it didn't Y/N. Please come back to me. I'm a mess without you," Thomas pleaded, fresh new tears rolling down his lightly sun-tainted cheeks. 

"I made a mistake Tommy," I sobbed. As cliché as it sounded, I missed Thomas a lot. My heart would ache whenever I saw anything that reminded me of him. I would feel like throwing up. 

"So.. So you will come back?" Thomas asked. 

"Yes," I nodded. "I'm so so sorry. I made such a terrible mistake leaving you,". He pulled me into a big, strong hug and rested his chin on my [Y/H/C] hair. I looked up and stared into his big loving brown eyes. He cupped my cheeks and pulled me into a long passionate kiss. I had missed the warmth in his embrace. I had missed him cuddling up to me. I had missed him playing with my hair while sitting on the sofa in the sun. I missed him as a whole and now we were finally reunited, once again.


Hiya! I got the motivation to write a mini fan-fic! (It's separate to my other book "Drowning in feelings for you,". Go check it out!) Anyway I hope you enjoyed this short little thing, even though it's probably not the best in the world but it'll do. I wrote this in just under an hour, which is pretty sweet since I usually get side-tracked with these sort's of stories. I might turn this into a book of little imagines and stuff so I will be taking requests!
(I can do Maze Runner characters/actors. They're basically all I know lol)

Request form:

Name of Character/Actor:


Genre; Romance, Action etc. etc. :


Your username:

In total of words (excluding the A/N) there is 1113! 

I hope you have a lovely day/night!

Toby xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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