Ch. 4

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Trigger warning: insinuates rape

      School was finally over with and I started walking to my job

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School was finally over with and I started walking to my job. As I was walking listening to Green Day I saw Axels red Camaro pull up next me.

"Why are you walking I can drive you?" He said as he rolled his window down

"I like to walk it helps me clear my mind." I said as I pulled his jacket around me.

"Okay then." He said as he drove off

After a couple minutes I saw him jogging my way.

"I'll walk with you then." He said as he reached me

He reached out his tattooed hand and I grabbed it.

"You're something else

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"You're something else." I said as I smiled at him

"You are just doing something to me." He said as he smiled back

I got to work and went to the bathroom to change into my uniform which I hated. It was black leggings with a tight white shirt and a apron. I walked out and Axel was sitting at a table looking at a menu.

"You drink coffee?" I asked as I approached him

"I do now." He smiled

He was staring me up and down. I could tell he was checking out my body. I never wore tight clothing and he only seen me in baggy stuff.

"Are you done checking me out?" I asked as I folded my arms

"Not even close to being done." He winked

He looked so out of place in the coffee shop. Everyone in here was dressed in their flannels and skinny jeans and he looked like a big dark figure among every one else.

"I'll take whatever you like." He said as he handed me the menu

"Okay then." I smirked

I came back with my favorite coffee, a iced Carmel Macchiato with extra whipped cream.

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