Cheater (Angst)

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Okay so part 2 for Bridge will be coming soon but uhh in the meantime here's this idea that my friend gave me. This is also kind of a mortal au. My other oneshot is considerably better written than this one but whatever.



Tw: Hitting, pining against walls, choking, abuse, alcohol 

Nico had noticed Will becoming kind of distant recently. He was on his phone a lot more, he was home later than usual, and he had been giving Nico less attention than he usually did. Nico wasn't stupid. He knew something was up with Will. 

"Will honey, are you alright? You seem more distant recently."

"I'm fine, just tired."

Nico was confused. He had seen Will tired before, and this wasn't what it was like. 

Umm so I told someone to write a chapter for me as a joke and this is what he started with help. Especially since I'm allergic to peanuts lol. Also he has no idea who Nico and Will are.

Then, Nico ate a small peanut. He's not sure why he ate this peanut. Nico didn't particularly like peanuts, and this was a very very small one. Actually, now that Nico thought about it, it looked like Will's head. Did this mean he likes to eat brains like zombies? 

Okay back to the story.

Nico (being Nico) continued to worry and puzzle over what was wrong with his boyfriend. One day Nico had a realization, maybe Will was cheating on him. Nico immediately shook the thought out of his head. His darling Will would never do that to him, would he?

The next day Nico decided to either confirm or deny his suspicion. When Will fell asleep, he left his phone charging on the nightstand, so Nico crept his way over to where Will's phone was resting and picked it up. It took him a bit but he eventually figured out Will's pass code. Will (being Will) had just made it his birthday. Nico looked through his contacts until he found someone titled "Babe". Nico checked and saw that it wasn't him. Nico was in shock as he read the messages.


Hey baby, my boyfriends gonna be out of the house tonight. Wanna come over and have some fun? ;)


Of course! When are you going to break up with that dumbass anyway?


Soon, I promise, just not yet.


I trust you


I don't understand why I started dating him anyway. He just wants attention and won't leave me alone. I've started trying to say late shifts at the hospital just so I can get away from him!

That really broke Nico's heart. In anger he shook Will awake roughly.


"Wha-what?" Will said, still disoriented from just waking up. He then noticed the phone being shoved in his face 

"I-I can explain! When we see each other again tonight I will explain, I promise!"

"Fine, you have tonight." Nico said and stalked out of their apartment. 

He walked out onto the street and texted Percy. A couple minutes later a blue van showed up next to him, headlights illuminating the street against the night. Percy ran out of the car and enfolded Nico in a hug, Nico having texted him what happened.

"Nico, thank the gods your okay!"

"I gave him tonight to explain himself, but I don't think there's an explanation for this."

They drove to Percy's house in silence, Nico spending his day with Percy, Sally, Paul, and Estelle. He came back to his and Will's apartment and waited for Will to come home. When he finally did, the door opened and Will stalked in, anger filling each of his steps. The smell of alcohol wafted into the room with him. Will was clearly drunk. Will ran over to Nico and slammed his fist into Nico's stomach. Nico doubled over in pain and froze in shock. Nico had never seen Will drunk, let alone abusive. 

Will then grabbed Nico by the neck and slammed him against the wall, holding him there. 

"Please- W-will p-please." Nico stuttered out. 

That seemed to reach Will and he dropped him, kicking him in the face and torso a couple times before stalking out the door and slamming it shut behind him. Nico waited until he was sure Will was gone and got up, groaning. He limped his way out of the door and collapsed against a wall outside. He texted Percy in desperation and Percy came a picked him up. The last thing Nico remembered from that night was Percy putting him gingerly on the couch, and he fell asleep soon after.

Solangelo Oneshots (Let's be honest, their mostly angst)Where stories live. Discover now