Reader's POV

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You received Kazutora's letter, and you smiled as you saw the picture. You held it up and blushed at how cute he was. He looked like a cute puppy that you wanted to hug tightly. You pinned it to your wall next to all of your other pictures and read his letter. The further you read in the letter the more you learned about him. Even his past and you were surprised but not too much. You knew a little bit but you didn't know everything. You felt so bad for him, that had to be hard for someone so young. You ended up writing him back in hopes you can cheer him up and try and motivate him.

Dear Kazutora,

I hope everything is going okay with you! First and foremost, you can definitely keep my pictures with you or hang them up. I don't mind, I already hung up yours on my wall with all my other pictures. Right in front of my desk. You say I look cute, but you are so much cuter! I just wanna give you a huge hug, you are like a cute puppy. I wanna play with your that weird? I feel like that is weird. I am glad my picture makes you smile and help you get through all the hardships you are going through.

That is so embarrassing! I can't believe he said that! No one ever called me hot before, ugh now I am blushing! Why did you tell me that? If my brother sees me, he is going to say something weird now. Of course, I will accept you, even if you killed someone. I don't accept the actions, but I accept you. I believe everyone deserves a second chance... well almost everyone, you are paying for your mistakes and you understand that what you did was wrong and feel remorse for it. As long as the families forgive you, you can learn to forgive yourself. Just never do that again, I am sorry for your losses. Must be really hard and eating you alive. I am not sure how to give you courage and motivation since I never dealt with that. So I hope what I am saying helps you.

If you don't mind, I want to know more about your time in Toman and your story. You don't have to hide anything from me. I won't judge you, it's not my place to judge. I just want to understand you more. If you don't want to talk about it yet though, I completely understand... don't feel pressured. That's the last thing I wanna do. As for me and my future, I don't know honestly. I do know I wanna travel one day, and explore different places. If I do travel, we can meet up! And that is when I will cook some amazing American dishes for you to try! My brother is a pain in my ass, annoying too. But I love him and he works really hard to take care of me since it's just the two of us. My parents died in a car crash a couple of years ago, so it's always been just the two of us. I am more of a homebody, I sometimes play video games, do homework, and go to school. I have a few friends that I hang out with, but they are gamers too so we mainly just hang out at school and play online.

I did pass my Japanese pop quiz today, thankfully. I was worried honestly, so worried I didn't really sleep. I barely passed my math test. I was three points away from failing. I aced my English and History though! Science test tomorrow... I am on the fence. After I write this, I gotta study some more. Our big exams are coming up as well. Kinda scared, though I never really failed a test or class, just barely pass. So I guess that's a plus. What are your friends like? I hope to meet them someday.

Quote of the day: Always have eyes that see the best, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses hope!



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