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A little background :v))

Name: Joestar. Joseph Joestar.

Nickname: JoJo

Age: 16


Likes: Fried Chicken, chewing gum, Suzie Q, his friend Stroheim, his one true rival Caesar Zeppeli, Midoriya

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Likes: Fried Chicken, chewing gum, Suzie Q, his friend Stroheim, his one true rival Caesar Zeppeli, Midoriya.

Dislikes: Cows (because they slobber), Bakugo (because he slobbers), the Pillar Men, hard work and working hard.

Abilities: Master of Hamon (thanks to his mom), deadly wit, expansive arsenal of weaponry, ability to predict someone's lines, master martial artist.


Name: Elizabeth Joestar

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Name: Elizabeth Joestar

Occupation: Pro Hero

Hero Ranking: No. 12

Hero Name: The Overdrive Hero: Lisa Lisa

Age: 50

Status: Alive

Spouse: George Joestar II (deceased)

Abities: Decades of Hamon training, brilliant use of her specially made scarf, master martial artist.

Rest of their supporting cast is the same :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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