Chapter 1: Mario Is Missing

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It was just a normal day at peach's castle. No, actually. No swearing, no arguing, just everyone hanging out. Tari was playing Dark Souls, Melony was sketching the next part for 2 piece, Meggy was outside doing laps around the castle, Saiko was training in the New training room, complete with robot droids, turrets, and a very difficult obstacle course. Smg4 was scrolling through TikTok, Bob and Boopkins were watching Sailor Moon just because. Luigi was gardening, per usual. It was pretty chill, a little too chill. Luigi noted the silence, and walked in and asked aloud...

Luigi: "Where's Mario?"

Everyone looked at him, and then back at whatever they were doing

SMG4: "Who cares? Honestly without him the castles a lot more peaceful"

Luigi: "how could you say something like that? Mario's our friend, and my brother. Honestly I'm kinda worried."

Meggy: "Look Luigi. If it'll calm your fears I'll go to his house and see if he's awake"

SMG4: "yeah, calm down Luigi. He probably overslept"

Luigi: "ok....whatever you say"

Luigi continued with gardening, and smg4 was back scrolling through Twitter. Meanwhile Meggy was pissed she had to check on Mario because he couldn't wake himself up.

Meggy: "Mario needs an alarm clock"

She knocked on the door, no answer. She waited a few seconds and knocked louder

Meggy: "Mario! Wake up!"

No answer.

She began to get worried, and she realized the door was unlocked. When she walked in, the place was a mess. It looked like a fight had gone down. Clothes and trash everywhere, impacts on the wall, it was messy. Meggy began to get worried.

Meggy: "Mario, you in here?"

As she figured, no answer.

Meggy silently went into panic mode. Where was her friend? What happened? And why was he missing? Sure he was a mentally deranged plumber who had a coke like addiction to spaghetti, but they were great friends, and both had cheered each other up in their darkest hours. She really hoped, Mario was ok.

Meanwhile, Marios eyes opened. His vision was groggy at first, but he managed to get up. He looked around, and saw he was in a dark void.

Mario: "Hello?"

His voice reverberated. He was alone, with no perception of anything.

???: "Well, well, well"

Mario jumped at the voice. It was deep and menacing.

Mario: "Where the hell am I?"

???: "Chill Mario. I'm only here to introduce myself. Allow me"

Mario watched as a completely white version of smg4 emerged. No skin color, no clothes color, just, white.

SMG5: "Behold. SMG5!"

Mario stood, petrified by the sight. He started walking backwards, but unable to turn his head and start running.

Mario: "What. What are you?"

He said that with genuine fear, breathing heavily and sweat already dripping down his forehead

SMG5: "I am, the forgotten super meme guardian. Instead of landing in your mushroom kingdoms or internet graveyards, I landed here in the internal storage of the laptop. I've remained here ever since. It's lonely down here, it sucks. It's, you get it"

He started walking forward, matching Mario's pace.

Mario: "what do you want from me?"

He said that, with terror in his voice, he was scared by him.

SMG5: "simple. I want to get out of this prison I call the internal storage system. Easiest way to do that is take over a body, and you Mario as the avatar, have lots of untapped powers. So I hired Belle here to kidnap you"

Belle Fontiere emerged from the shadows, arms crossed, and a smirk on her face.

Mario: "Tomato hair lady? You did this? But I thought you were good after Tari kicked your ass at Friday Night Funkin."

Belle: "don't you ever mention FNF or that emo gamer girl son of a bitch, ever. Got that?"

Mario nodded quickly, she was pissed now. He could tell.

Belle: "now, the reason I kidnapped you wearing all black so you couldn't recognize me, is simple. SMG5 here pays good money!"

SMG5 grinned.

SMG5: "now, Mario, let's get to work on transferring my soul into your body"

His hands glowed. He raised them up, and 2 chains sprung up from the ground and cuffed Mario's hands.

Mario: "no, please! Mario doesn't want to die!"

SMG5 grinned, as he used his glowy hands to immobilize Mario, surrounding him in a white aura. He closed his fist, and Mario's eyes turned white, and he screamed in pain. Belle and SMG5 grinned at his screams, taking pleasure in his pain.

Mario: "please! SMG4, Meggy, Tari! Anyone! Help!"

He thought with much urgency, and as the pain grew worse, the more he hoped his friends realized he was missing


Meggy burst back into the castle, sheer horror on her face. She was panting, out of breath from running

Tari: "Meggy, what's wrong?"

SMG4: "yeah, you don't look so good"

Meggy took a second to regain her composure.

Meggy: "I searched his house, and he's not there! And it looks like a big fight happened there as well!"

Bob: "sO THat MeAns hE IS iN TrOUBle!"

Saiko: "Right! We need to go after him!"

Melony: "But we need a plan. We can't go run aimlessly"

Boopkins: "we need a plan. I'll consult every anime episode ever. Maybe an episode follows this plot"

Bob: "oH hECk YeAh bRo, ThAT sOunDs aWeSOme"

SMG4: "no, you idiots, we need to look for clues at his house on where he might've gone"

Luigi entered the castle, his gardening chores done for the day.

Luigi: "Meggy, did you find Mario?"

Meggy: "No Luigi. Mario's gone!"

Tari: "but don't worry, we're all going to his house to search for clues!"

Luigi: "sounds good. I'm in"

Boopkins: "hopefully we find something, otherwise Mario might be gone forever!"

Saiko: "and that's exactly why we need to get moving right now! Let's go!"

The group ran out of the castle towards Mario's home, determination to find their friend flashed in their eyes.

Meggy: "hang in there Mario, were coming for you"

SMG4 - The Lovestruck Arc (Mario X Meggy)Where stories live. Discover now