chapter 1

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"FIRE" the order came and a hundred rifles fired at once decimating the shuuki in it's path

"hmm not bad, old man frank did a good job, recreating the cursed gears" itka said as he looked on at the damage that was once a hoard of shuuki

"captain orders" his colonel asked

"well missions done, there seem to be nothing left, so nothing left to do but pack up and go home" itka replied the girl nodded seriously and began to issue orders

the imperial demon army the fastest raised military force in history and the arch-rival to the anti-demon corps

"sir we got company" the colonel said itka turned sure enough

"i believe those are the chiefs of units six and seven, hmm, all units retreat, we do not need to pick a fight" itka ordered as he withdrew his own cursed gear a black demon series at that, it was in the shape of a 6 round revolver and was an incredibly powerful piece

his colonel also moved her hand down to her weapon

"ah it seems the IDS has taken care of the fight for us" tenka said with her usual jovial smile

"indeed, this was a good field test for our cursed rifles they work rather well if i do say so myself" itka replied matching tenka's smile kyoka was obviously displeased

"are you willing to finally come to the table" tenka asked she was obviously the speaker of this little meeting

"hmm that would require us selling out our supreme commander, i doubt you'd do that" itka replied this was not the first time they had had this discussion

"sir, we are being recalled" itka's lieutenant stated

"very well i guess then i must bid you adieu" itka said as his lieutenant through out a talisman that opened a portal to their base

"handy trinket those are, the head captain sure is skilled" itka said with a chuckle

"at least allow us to come, and plead our case" tenka reasoned

"the last time we gave you an audience there was no discussion, your friend tried to take him by force and was met with force in turn a lot of it, if you want our captain well, you will have to beat the whole army to get at him" itka said seriously before entering the portal and allowing it to close behind them

"honestly they think we will actually sell our captain back into slavery, especially now that has the power to match their commander, they must be fools" itka grumbled before stretching

"anyway did you prepare our report"  itka asked his colonel who nodded


"DAMN IT" kyoka screamed

"to be far, if you didn't treat him like an actual slave, we wouldn't be in this mess, and he would be on our side, and probably all these creations of his as well" tenka reprimended

"i get it, i messed up but i am not the only one" kyoka said

"maybe not, but that just makes matters worse, as you allowed everyone to use him, and even the commander tried to turn him into her own personal lapdog, then again when they fought i have never seen her so evenly matched, though it should be expected it was still surprising and anyway i don't know why you complain so much he gave both you and your vice chief a clone, that you can use to fight" tenka said

"not the point, i don't what a damn clone, i want my yuuki" kyoka said

"he's not yours, not anymore, the peaches aren't even a factor in his army i think only three have eaten it, three out of the entire army, and those three are all high ranking and devoutly loyal to our leader, though surprisingly it seems he and mira meet pretty frequently" tenka said lighting a rather large fire

"WHAT, THAT DISLOYAL LITTLE" kyoka started shouting speaking of both her best friend and her former servant and current beloved tenka just decided to allow her to rant as she took her back to unit 7's dorms before leaving for her own

"i assume no luck" himari asked depressed kyoka nodded

"i did learn my former best friend visits him though" kyoka snarled

"you mean mira, that kinda makes sense, considering he did save her life, she is probably grateful enough to not treat him as we did" himari said sadly


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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