2. A Clear Choice

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When Tuesday evening came around again, I was so anxious that I found myself watching the clock until it was time to leave. On the bright side, at least I wouldn't be late to class this week.

"So, did you decide?" Once again, Jeongin handed me my bag and water bottle. As the more responsible one, he was often taking care of me, but he never seemed to mind.

"I think I'm going to accept his offer." I told him as I took my bag and swung it over my shoulder. When I reached for my water bottle, Jeongin suddenly yanked it away.

"Think?" Jeongin repeated, pointing the bottle at me. "I asked if you decided."

"You know that's no way to talk to your elder," I shrieked, covering my face in case Jeongin decided to blast me with the icy water.

"Maybe if you acted like my elder I wouldn't have to," Jeongin said mockingly.

"Okay, okay..." I straightened myself out and sighed. "Yes. I'm going to accept Minho's offer for private lessons."

"Good. You better get going so you aren't late again." Jeongin finally handed me the water bottle and gave me a little wave, urging me to leave.

"See you later," I chuckled as I walked out the front door.

Once in my car, I turned on a good playlist to get myself pumped up for class, also hoping to maybe boost my confidence. Hearing my favorite band boom from the speakers instantly made me feel less nervous. "Let's go!" I shouted along with the lyrics and sped off.

Thankfully, I was on time to class. Five minutes early, in fact. But somehow, even when I did something right, I never seemed to live down my flubs.

"Well, look who managed to show up without interrupting the whole class," one of the other students sneered when I opened the door.

It was like a punch to the gut as soon as I walked in. I found myself hanging my head slightly, and then I caught the instructor's eyes. In that moment, all my confidence shattered. When class started, I went through the motions and did my best not to make a fool of myself again.

It became clear to me that Minho was right. I really didn't belong in a class of people watching my every move, waiting to pounce at my slightest missteps. Besides, I was doing this for myself. No one should get in the way of my enjoyment.

When class ended, I hung back as the rest of the students left, waiting to talk to the instructor. Minho looked up from his clipboard after making a few notes and noticed me still standing in the center of the room, clutching my duffle bag handles tight enough to turn my knuckles white.

"Jisung, what can I do for you?" Minho tucked his hands behind his back and waited for me to approach him.

"Uh...ah, Minho-ssi, I wanted to talk to you about your offer." I squeaked as I bowed slightly. I swear I'm an actual squirrel.

"Oh? Are you interested then?" A small smile formed on his perfectly chiseled face.

"Yes. I think private lessons would be a great benefit to me. And...I would be honored to be your student." I bowed again, attempting to be as polite as possible, but mostly because I was insanely nervous.

Minho chuckled, most likely at my awkwardness. I didn't realize at the time that he actually thought it was endearing. "Good. I have Friday evenings open, unless that would be a problem for you?"

"N-no. Fridays evenings are wide open for me as well." I rubbed my neck, suddenly feeling embarrassed. I basically just admitted that I had no social life. But then again, so did Minho.

"Perfect. So, I'll see you this Friday then?" Minho brought his clipboard back in front of himself and flipped a few pages, then clicked his pen.

"Yes, sir." I bowed for what felt like the hundredth time and thanked him. He simply nodded as he scribbled something down. One of these days I may throw my back out from bowing so much.

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