New Beginnings

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Everyone gathered around the crib in awe as they stared at the miracle that C.J and Danny had created. Little Danielle Jean Concannon had long, lanky arms and legs just like her mother, and that signature Concannon orange hair like her father.

"CJ she is perfect", Donna said in awe.

"Yes she is", Josh said walking up behind Donna wrapping his arms around her and laying his head on her shoulder.

"Josh are you crying" Donna chuckled feeling the tears soaking into her silk blouse.

"No, of course I'm not. I have a manly reputation to uphold." Josh exclaims while wiping the tears with his sleeve.

"Its ok Josh. I will make sure D.J knows what a Man of Steel her uncle Josh is." CJ says sarcasticly but is deeply touched at the sight.

"Ok I cant take it anymore", Abbey says as she reaches down to get the little girl out of the crib. "Grandma needs some sugar." Abbey smothers D.J with kisses and then passes her off to Jed.

"Abby no I cant hold her yet shes too tiny." Jed says desperately trying to get Abby to take the baby back.

"Oh, she wont break Mr. President", C.J interrupts his state of panic.

"Claudia Jean what did I tell you about calling me that", Jed retorts completely forgetting his fear of holding the little girl.

At that time D.J begins to scream and reality is quickly restored. He starts to rock the little girl and she begins to calm down.

"I'm sorry honey. Its all your mommy's fault," Jed says in a sweet, calming voice while he glared back at C.J with a huge grin on his face.

"Don't listen to your Grandpa baby. He is a jackass." C.J says reaching down taking her daughter from the former President and placing a big sloppy wet kiss on his cheek.

As C.J starts to walk away Jed grabs her arms and pulls her back down.

"Your gonna make a great mother C.J. I am so proud of you and I'm sorry that you were deprived of this wonderful life for eight years. I just want you to know how grateful I am, you stood by me when everyone else left, and for that I can not thank you enough." Jed whispers to C.J as tears well up in both of their eyes.

"It was my pleasure sir but I'm glad I waited. I wasn't mature enough for a relationship back then and sure as hell wasn't mature enough to be the mother this perfect little girl," C.J says kissing his cheek again but actually meaning it.

"Ok guys lets get out of here so C.J, Danny, and D.J can get some rest they have been through a lot this week." Donna says handing everyone their coats.

Everyone exchanges congratulations and kisses as they head out to their cars.

"She's asleep" Danny's says quietly closing the door to D.J's room.

Danny just stands there with his back to the door staring at C.J wandering how this is really happening to him. This is something he has wanted his whole life, and after eight years of playing cat and mouse he finally got it. This beautiful, perfect woman was finally his, and they had created something even more perfect.

"Danny? DANNY! Are you in there?" C.J exclaims trying to get Danny's attention.

"What" Danny jerks back into reality.

"Why are you just standing there? Come here and sit with me." C.J says patting the seat on the couch beside her. Danny staggers over and sits as she so seductively asked. C.J sits up on her knees and caresses Danny's head in the bend of her arm as her fingers gently twist his little orange curls she is sure D.J will inherit.

A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now