*they all walk into finneys house*
"finney! why didnt you clean?!"finney:
"oops-"*they all laugh*
"what should we do?"*they all shrug and think*
"we should play video games."*they all yell "yes!!"
*bruce grabs vances hand, finney grabs robins hand and suzie and gwen follow them to the living room*
*they all grab controllers*
"what should we play?"bruce:
"we should play minecraft"vance:
"i hate minecraft"robin:
"i dont care lets play it"*they all get on minecraft and spawn together*
"ooh look at me and suzies outfit
we look so slay!"robin:
"what is slay?"robin:
"it means kill so like "you killed that" but "you slayed that"finney:
"i still dont get it."robin:
"youre stupid."*vance kills bruce*
"HAHAHA"*they all laugh*
*they play for a little longer
and get bored*finney:
"we should go in my backyard and have a waterballoon fight!"vance:
"can we do teams of
me and gwen, robin and finney,
vance and bruce?"finney:
"yeah!"*they walk outside and fill up
the balloons*suzie:
"3..2..1!!"*everyone starts throwing
water balloons*finney:
"AHHH!"*finney gets hit
in the face and laughs**they use all of the balloons,
go back inside and dry off*bruce:
"that was fun!"all:
"yeah!"*finney lays his head
on robins chest and bruce
lays his head on vance's chest**robin plays with finneys hair*
*finney looks up at robin
and softly kisses his cheek**they all fall asleep*