The Dusk Paradigm: It's only the beginning. (Prologue)

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Kagamine Rin and Len were sitting on the cushion seat of the windowsill. The two both played chess for as long as desired.

"Hey, it's my turn." said Rin. She put her Bringer of Light chess peice down. Len smirked. "My go." he said. He put the Bringer of Love down. He got another turn, because the Bringer of Love is a special peice. Rin broke a sweat. She knew Len was up to something. She was correct.

Just then, Len put the chess peice, "Eros" down. At Rin's turn, she put the "Psyche" peice down. "Psyche and Eros are a happy couple who will love eachother no matter what." The female Kagamine said. Len smirked again. "Rin," he said, "You're so naive."


During Spring of 1994, Henry was standing on his front porch, looking at the clear blue sky and fresh green grass. He closed his eyes and thought about himself. He took a few deep breaths and smiled. However, only to be interrupted, Henry's wife, Yuna, startled him by jumping and clinging onto him.

"Heya, dear!" Yuna smiled. "Woah, ya scared me there, Yuna," The man replied, "You must've slept good, yea? You sure slept, it's late!"

Yuna laughed. "Yea, I slept pretty good! Anyhow, I have some news for you! Lets go inside!" "Oh, uh, alright." Henry replied, nervous. The couple walked inside, and Yuna sat her husband down. "Henry, I'd like to announce something." "What is it?" Henry nervously questioned. Yuna pulled something from behind her back. Henry was stunned.

"I'm pregnant." Yuna smiled. Henry covered his mouth, with tears in his eyes. He jumped up and hugged Yuna. "Ah, this is AMAZING! We can finally have a child, sweetie!" he cried in joy.

It wasn't entirely joy. Henry didn't feel as much joy as he should for this news.. He was in fear, since Yuna had issues with fertility, that of being a problem in her family history.


"Henry, a while ago, I said that I wanted a kid. Have ya' made up your mind?" Yuna asked. Henry nodded. "Maybe. I'm just quite scared, especially after our miscarriage those years ago? We lost our baby girl, what if we loose this one?" He explained. Yuna said, "Hm, I'm still sad about it. However, this could be another chance, and we can have another one."

Before Henry could respond, Yuna crawled on top of him and smiled. "C'mon lovely," she said, "Let's have a baby." "Dear, I-" Henry cut off, due to Yuna kissing him unexpectedly. Henry fell into the spirit and lost control of himself. He kissed her back.


A couple days passed by, and Henry was sitting on the couch, thinking. A rainbow baby? What if it doesn't make it?

Speaking of which, a happy Yuna walked outside and sat next to her husband on the porch swing. "I wonder what the gender will be," she started, "I really hope it's a girl. We can have another girl!" "Yea, I'd like that." Henry responded as he kissed Yuna on the forehead.

Henry and Yuna both did want a girl. They wanted to have another girl in honor of the loss. Of course, it was scary to know this baby could die too. However, they thought it'd be alright.

Months had passed.

Yuna was excited because today was the day they could find out the gender of her baby. She was in the living room reading an article, then Henry walked in. "So," he started, "You excited for the reveal?"

Yuna nodded. "I wonder what it'll be. If its a boy, would you still love him the same?" she asked. "Of course I would." Henry answered. Yuna smiled and walked up to her husband. She pecked him on his soft lips. "Welp, I guess it's time. Get your shoes on. We're finding out the gender of..."

"Henry? Henry!" said Yuna, trying to get his attention. He snapped out of it and looked at her "Ah, sorry." He apologized. He shook his head and smiled. Then and there, the couple walked out the door.

Henry and Yuna were stunned. Looking at the screen, they both held their hands tight. Dr.Stevenson was happy to announce, the  child was a boy. A boy.

Yuna didn't care, even though Henry did  want a girl. He was grateful nonetheless, since gender wasn't his biggest worry.

Tears of joy broke into Yuna's eyes. They laughed and cried as they looked at the screen of the ultrasound. "A boy!" Yuna cried. "Henry, it's a boy!" "Yes, I can't wait for him to arrive!"

Moving on, Henry said, "Don't name him after me. Maybe something else like...Ezra?" Yuna's eyes lit up. "Ezra? I love that name! But as a first name...? Darling, what about a Japanese first name and an English middle name?" she asked. "Why would we give him a Japanese name? Because you're Japanese? This is England." Henry said, confused. "That's what'll make him unique. After all, your last name is Japanese." said Yuna. He nodded.

Yuna paused and sat down with her husband. "He is due by winter. I kind of want a name thats strong for him." Henry said, "My Japanese is rusty. Let's see....Fukawa?" "Fukawa?" Yuna said, cringing.

Yuna thought for a minute. She shook her head. "A name of strength." she thought. She snapped her fingers, brightened by an idea.

"Fukase." she said. "Fukase?" Henry repeated. He smiled. Yuna said, "Fukase! It's like a word for strength or strengthen."

Henry stared at her. "Fukase Ezra Satoshi." he said. Yuna smiled and hugged Henry.

Fukase's room was a cold, almost white baby blue color. There were a small cresent moon painted by Henry on his closet door with stars and whatnot. It was perfect. Everything was perfect.

The next day, Henry woke up to a panicking Yuna. She was shocked it was so sudden. Henry ran in the bathroom and saw her water broke.

And ah, finally, all hell broke loose. Get it? Corny, we know.

As Kagamine Len put the chess piece down, he smiled. "Finally," he said, "I can see him suffer."

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