A new Master at Chaldea!?

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(A/n) Just a little introduction to the MC, a way to establish his lore if you will.

Also is this edited?

Pffft- No!

Is there likely to be errors?

Uhhh- Ye.



Chaldea certainly was an interesting place. And from the stories you've heard, it definitely was chaotic as hell. Apparently, unknown to the world, Chelsea's last master had saved the entirety of humanity.

Like.... Literally every single person on the planet. Including you.

The whole process was baffling, but even so. There were a few complications that needed to be resolved, some - "timeline adjustments" - that needed to be made. Whatever the hell that meant. However, thanks to circumstances, and there being only one Master of Chaldea some countermeasures had to be taken. That being - you.

Since Chaldea and the Mage's association didn't want to risk anything until everything was settled, they sought out a second master in case things go south. From what you've been told, countless master candidates ended up being rejected due to Chaldea's unique summoning requirements. With how it worked, they required some specific parameters that no one could match. No one, but you.

You were obviously surprised by this, having been a failure of a mage, and being an outcast of your family for it. You never thought you'd ever have the aptitude to be a mage, much less a Master. The whole idea was foreign to you even now as you made your way through the Chaldean halls.

Being a new arrival, you couldn't help but get lost in the vast halls as you tried to find the command room. You passed a few of the Chaldean staff, but thanks to your pride, as well as your awkwardness, you refused to ask any of the staff to assist you.

You brushed your hand through your hair, letting out a sigh of frustration. You had finally found the command room, the issue was, you were about twenty minutes later than you were told to arrive. You took a deep breath, taking a moment to adjust your mystic code before finally walking through the door. Upon walking into the room, everyone's eyes landed on you. You tensed up as you caught their gazes, an embarrassed blush coming to your cheeks.

There were a total of six people in the room, three of which you recognized. The first being Goredolf Musik, a mage that you've seen once or twice at the Mage's association when you were still learning there. His assistant, Koyanskaya. Again, another person that you've only seen/heard about. And of course, Father Kotomine. A priest from the church. You've heard bits and pieces about him throughout your time with the Association. None of which was good.

The last three individuals were most likely a part of the Chaldean staff. A woman that radiated a beauty that you've seen no one compare to. It was like looking into a face of a painting that even the artist would envy. Two younger girls, both just a few years younger than you at most.

One girl, with pastel pink hair that covered her right eye. An aura of innocence radiated off her as her visible violet eye met your own through her glasses. She was dressed plainly, a style that seemed to help reinforce the idea of innocent cuteness.

The other girl, with brilliant amber eyes, cocked her head upon you entering the room. She wore the classic Chaldean uniform, although this one seemed to have some modifications made to it. Her orange hair was tied into a messy side bun, with the small yellow scrunchie she used clearly standing out.

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