The Adventure begins when a scientist was thinking of a way how to take over the world.The Scientist "Dr.Neo Cortex has found a way to rule the world.First,he must find some animals to turn them into mutants.
Dr.Cortex:Hey!!Let's find animals and turn them into mutants!!what do you think Dr Nitro??
Dr.Nitro is the assistant of Dr.Cortex.
Dr Nitro:Hmm??it's okay!!But I've taught of something too.
Dr.Cortex:What's that Dr. Nitro?
Dr.Nitro:Well if your finding animals I have thought that maybe we must find a leader for them to follow.
Dr. Cortex:That's actually a great plan. Alright!It's settled,let's find our animals.
Then they went out to find their animals.
Dr.Cortex:Okay!!where should we start? about that bandicoot.
Dr.Cortex:What's a bandicoot?
Dr.Nitro:A bandicoot is a animal who is very aggressive and always spins when is scared or protecting itself.
Dr. Cortex:I will take her...ummm him...I don't!!!!
3 hours later.
Dr.Cortex:Alright!!we have found enough animals to hipnotize.
Dr.Nitro:As you wish!!
They have returned back to the lab.
Dr Nitro:Let the operation begin.
After 5 hours the operation is finished.
Dr Cortex:Now,bandicoots turn.Into the vortex!!
Dr.Nitro:Right!!.........wait a minute!!
Dr Cortex:What's wrong??
Dr Nitro:It appears that the machine is rejecting the bandicoot operation!!
Suddenly the machine is overheating.
Dr Nitro:Oh no!!!It's about to explode!!
The machine exploded.
Dr. Cortex:(COUGH)wait!!! Bandicoot!!
Note What happened to the bandicoot and will the operation work??wait and read the next episode only here on "CRASH CRYSTAL".
Crash Crystal
AdventureCrash Crystal is a Anime Manga which shows Adventure,and Action. This story is about a boy named crash who is used as an experiment but rejected by the machine.Now,he is fallen down to N.Sanity Beach and he must find Cortex and defeat him by going t...