Chapter 01-10

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The nth day that Mr. Chen wanted to get married Chapter 1 Hello, concise green reading - The nth day that Mr. Chen wanted to get married
Men's channel recommendation: The mysterious young man who walked out of the mysterious village has no Taoism, no Taoist spirit, and no Taoist body, but he is dedicated to seeking Taoism, worshipping the Taoist Sect, and stepping into a unique path of Taoism! "The World of Taoism"

Female frequency recommendation: In the Civil Affairs Bureau, her stepsister and boyfriend secretly obtained the certificate. Outside the Civil Affairs Bureau, she looked at the man who was also dumped. "Sir, we've all been dumped, why don't we get a certificate if we make do with it?" "Yes, but we must fulfill our obligations." "Deal!" Lushui and his wife, who are in harmony with each other, dote on her, but he doesn't love her after her. she. "Madam, the world is waiting for your divorce"

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Jane Yi's first blind date was pulled by her mother. Baidu confidant novel FM, more good-looking novels to read for free.

I heard from my mother that he is Senior Sister Fan's cousin, a great talent who has returned from overseas.

She was about to be praised by her mother.

Her mother has always been in a stocking state in terms of her feelings, but this time she didn't know what was wrong. No matter how she refused, she couldn't get away.

In order not to let the old lady whisper in her ears every day, she compromised.

In the evening of September, it will be hot and dry at noon, the evening sun is slanting, the leaves of the locust tree outside the window are fresh and green, and the autumn has a stagnant beauty.

Jianyi rested her chin in one hand, leaned on the sofa boredly and looked at the scenery, her ink-like hair was scattered lazily around her shoulders, and the whole person looked gentle and charming.

Next to her are her mother and her favorite student, Fan Qi, who are talking.

Jian Yi looked down at the time on her wrist and frowned slightly.

40 minutes have passed...

The coffee on the table was cold, and the man who was going to have a blind date with her didn't come. Baidu confidant novel FM, more good-looking novels to read for free.

Although she didn't care much about the result this time, the other party was still so late for the blind date.

It can be seen that the boy, like her, does not like this arrangement.

In this case, there is no need for her to stay here any longer. She still has a research report to submit in the afternoon, and the time is tight.

"Mom..." She opened her thin lips lightly, but just as she was about to speak, she was interrupted by Fan Qi, who was sitting across from her.

"Wait a little anxious, this stinky boy doesn't usually do this, and I don't know what's going on today." Fan Qi picked up the phone on the table a little irritably, "But since he has promised to come, he will definitely come. Yes, it's probably too congested on the road... I'll make a phone call and ask where he is."

Jane Yi's mother smiled casually and told her that there was nothing to do, so that he didn't have to worry and be careful on the road.

Hearing her mother's answer, Jane wanted to cry, so she quietly leaned over to her mother and said in a low voice, "Mom, I'm going to hand in the research report later."

Mother turned her head, "Isn't it okay to hand in your report tomorrow?"

"But it's been so long..."

"Xiao Fan's cousin will definitely not be bad, don't you believe your sister Fan?" The mother reassured her.

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